ch. 4: Dylan going to jail! 🚔

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It's the next day Amanda is in the kitchen cooking breakfast for the both of them and Savannah is taking a shower then there's a knock at the door Amanda looks through the peep hole and Claire she opens the door

'Hey, morning' Amanda says

'Hey, morning to you too, um can i come in real quick' Claire says

'Yeah, sure' Amanda says, as Claire walks in

'Thanks' She says, she shuts the door

'Is Sava up?' Claire asks

'Yeah, she's in the shower, what's going on Claire?' Amanda asks

'Ok let's focus on your guys breakfast I'll tell you as you cook it' Claire says, they walk up to the stove

'Ok so remember the night Sava punch Dylan and he was knock out, out cold?' Claire asks

'Yeah, so' Amanda says

'The bar tender told him what happened, now he's embarrassed and wants to get his revenge on her' Claire says

'She had every right to do what she did!' Amanda says

'I know' Claire says, then Savannah walks out

'Hey' Savannah says to Claire, she looks at her

'Hey' Claire says

Savannah walks up behind Amanda and wraps her arms around Amanda's waist and starts kissing her neck Savannah can tell something is wrong with her she stands beside Amanda and looks at her

'What's wrong?' Savannah asks, Amanda looks at Claire

'You better tell her' Amanda says

'The bar tender told Dylan what you did to him and now he's embarrassed and wants revenge on you because a couple of videos was posted on instagram' Claire says

'Ok I don't care, he got what he deserves it for what he said about me and Amanda' Savannah says

'Yeah, I do have fun with Sava if I'm sober or not, I have fun with her all the time I'm not just talking about sex, I'm talking about dates, fun adventures, shopping sprees, and so many other things' Amanda says

'Aw thanks babe' Savannah says, she kisses her on the lips

'You're welcome babe' She says, she kisses her back

'Here's your breakfast' Amanda says, she hands Savannah her food

'Thanks babe' Savannah says, Amanda smiles

'You're welcome babe' Amanda says

Savannah sits down at the bar counter and Amanda gets her food she sits down beside Savannah

'You want any Claire?' Amanda asks

'Non thanks, I had some earlier' Claire says

'I'm not worried about what Dylan does, don't forget I don't get embarrassed or be a shame of whatever I do or whatever he has on me' Savannah says

'You know she's right, remember when she posted that embarrassing video of me falling down while on the dance floor freshman year of college' Amanda says

'Oh yeah, you posted that video of her drunk and singing really bad' Claire says

'She just laugh at it because she said she was having a fun time, I didn't seen any embarrassment or shame from it' Amanda says

'See my point exactly' Savannah says, then Ava runs in and shuts the door

'Hi, sorry for not knocking but you guys gotta see what Dylan just posted about Sava and it's bad' Ava says, She shows them the video of Savannah being arrested for a DUI

'Oh my god' Claire says

'Eh could be worse' Savannah says

'No Sava this bad for Dylan, think about it at the time of this video was recorded you was a minor which means this video shouldn't be out there, if the police kept hidden because you was a minor, if you're minor and the police can't realise this video even if you're over age' Ava says

'So you're saying is that if Dylan or someone he knows hacked into the police files and uploaded this video of Savannah under eight-teen and if he did that he could get in trouble because he shouldn't have posted a video of a minor who now is over eight-teen, which means he could go to jail child porn no matter what how old Savannah is right now, it does in the video' Claire says

'Yes' Ava says

'Oh my god, what do we do now?' Amanda says

'Nothing until cops shows up' Ava says

'Well if this comes back to bite in the ass, that's his fault he should known better then to post that video of me' Savannah says

'I agree with Sava on this one surprisingly, he needs to learn his lesson from saying stupid stuff to us and make us mad at him all the time' Amanda says

'Did hell just freeze over' Savannah jokes, they laugh, Ava checks if the video is still there and it's not

'He deleted it, thank god' Ava says

'Don't forget people copy that video and post' Claire says

'Damn it, I know he needs to learn his lesson but guys no matter we all been through a lot of shit together to just stop being his friend' Ava says

'You see that's where you and me disagree yes you guys been through a lot especially with the Andrew and Jeremy situation but if he cases this much drama and toxicity in your guys friend group then you guys should cut him off' Savannah says

'Oh like we should have done with you too' Ava says

'Babe!?' Claire says

'Excuse me, what the Hell is that supposed to mean' Amanda says, she gets up and stands in front of her

'If you guys think Dylan is this toxic then maybe we should have cut Sava off because of drug and drinking addition that's toxic too' Ava says

'Oh really, well ain't that calling the kettle black!, you had a drinking problem too before you came here' Amanda says

Savannah is shock by this news and Ava is hurt because other then everybody else nobody else knows not even Savannah, Amanda promised her that she wouldn't tell Savannah, Ava leaves with tears in her eyes and Claire goes after her, Amanda has her hand over her mouth and turns to look at a surprised Savannah sitting there

'I didn't mean to call het out like that but when she said that about your past I just snapped, it's a sensitive topic for you and me too' Amanda says

'I wasn't going to argue with her about it, I was going to agree with her you guys should have cut me off many of times but you didn't because you guys love me enough to want me to change which I did after my OD, I think that we have to do with Dylan too' Savannah says

'Yeah, you're right, maybe I should have let you talk instead' Amanda says

'Yeah probably should have, just give Ava some time to cool down then go talk to her' Savannah says

'Yeah I will' Amanda says

'I'm not going to go talk to her after you or before you about her drinking problem in the past, that's something she has to do not me, if she wants to talk to me about it ok cool I'll be here waiting with open ears, of not then that's cool too' Savannah says

'Ok I'll tell her that' Amanda says, she wipes her tears away

'Aw babe come here' Savannah says, she gets up and walks up to her she hugs her

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