ch. 2: drunk Mona 🍸

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Amanda, Savannah, Hailey, Brittany, Ava, Claire went to a bar and that one ended up in a bar fight not with them involved but Savannah did get cut on the neck by a piece of glass she got a couple stitches so they decide to go to a country bar it's more calmer then a normal club

They are sitting at this long wooden table drinking, talking and laughing expect Savannah she's drinking non alcohol drink

'How's your neck?' Amanda asks

'Its fine, I'll get the stitches in a few days, I'm luckily the piece of glass didn't hit an important vein' Savannah says

'the internal jugular vein is the most important vein in the neck it drains blood from your body organs and parts, such as the brain, face and neck, there's two on each side of your neck' Brittany says

'So if that piece of glass hit the internal jugular Sava could have died' Hailey asks

'Yeah' Brittany says

'Oh my god, i don't want to think about that' Amanda says

'Then let's stop talking about it then!' Claire says, in a angry voice, she hates talking about death

'Claire babe calm down' Ava says, she gives pecks of kisses all of cheek

'Sorry guys' Claire says

'it's fine' Brittany says

'The last thing about this then we can stop talking about it, did you tell your moms about what just happened?' Hailey asks

'Yeah, of course when one of us gets hurts even when its a small injury they immediately jump in the car and head straight here, that's just how they are over protective but in a good way though at least they care some parents out are like ok moving on you know, i have the parents that actually will take the time out for us just to make sure that we're actually fine' Savannah says, Claire smiles

'I think I'm going to cry' Mona says, everybody looks at them

'She drink a little bit today so she's a little bit emotional today' Aria says, she sits down beside Claire and Mona sits down beside Savannah

'When do you get the stitches taken out?' Mona asks

'In a couple of days, it's just line on the skin it's not too deep, are you going to take them out?' Savannah asks

'Yeah, i can do that' Mona says

'We're luckily that that piece of glass didn't hit her internal jugular vien' Amanda says

'Oh yeah, that's the most important vein in the neck ever' Aria says

'You have taken stitches out before?' Ava asks

'Oh many of times between these three' Mona says, she points to Aria, Claire and Savannah

'I remember when I was like six or seven i was riding my bike without my hamlet on and I fell off of it, i scrape my knees pretty good and I had this gash in the corner of my forehead I went to the hospital and a couple of weeks later Mona took the stitches out' Claire says, she smiles at that memory

'Oh yeah I remember that, happened right in front of me too' Ava says

'You was the who rushed over to make sure I was ok clearly I wasn't but you did help me up and took me to my moms, that's when I knew I had a amazing friend that I would later on date, marry, and hopefully have kids with some day' Claire says, she looks at Ava, Ava smiles and kisses her

'Ok we need to lighten up the mood in this place its too depressing reminds me of my time in radley' Mona says, she gets up and leaves, they laugh

'Oh god' Aria says

'You married her' Brittany says, they laugh, Aria looks at Mona at the bar

'Yeah i did' Aria says, she smiles then Mona looks at her while waiting on their drinks and smiles back at her

'Oh no Sava mom is drinking' Claire says, she puts her head down

'God bless America' Savannah says

'Oh I love drunk Mona, other then Claire, Sava, Aria and Amanda have you guys seen drunk Mona before?' Aria asks

'No, i don't think so' Hailey says

'I think I would have remembered that' Brittany says

'Well then you guys are in for a long and fun night' Ava says

'Or a embarrassing night depending on if Mom has any embarrassing stories about you' Claire says

'Oh yeah' Savannah says, then Mona walks back up to them with her drink and Aria's drink


5 drinks later

Mona decide to not to tell any embarrassing stories just doing embarrassing stuff like that right now she's dancing on top of the bar

'Ok I see why you love drunk Mona Ava' Brittany says

'Right!' Ava says

'Once she starts taking off her shirt we leave' Aria says

'Like she's doing right now!' Claire says, everybody looks and Mona has her shirt half off

'Shit!' Aria says, she gets up and runs over to stop her

'Alright guys show is over' Savannah says, they get up

Aria finally gets Mona down and helps out of the bar they goes back to their dorms to sleep off the alcohol but Savannah Mona is going to have a huge awakening tomorrow about all of the stuff that she did tonight

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