ch.23: Amanda having a bad day

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It's a day where everybody is having a bad day Amanda and Claire are on their periods Ava is trying to take care of them and Savannah is horse back riding with Aria and Mona, Claire's cramps were not too bad compare to Amanda's cramps are, Ava is sitting on the couch with her hands running through her hair because she's stress out then Savannah and them walks in the living room and sees Ava like that, they walk up to her

'Ava what's wrong?' Aria asks, Ava looks at them and chuckles

'We're going to be in hell for the next couple of days because Claire and Amanda are on their periods, speaking of which Sava you better go upstairs to Amanda because she's cramping bad this time' Ava says

'Oh no' Savannah says, she leaves and goes upstairs

'How's Claire's cramps?' Mona asks

'Um not too bad actually her cramps stop not that long ago actually' Ava says

'Poor Amanda' Aria says

'I know, i was trying to take care of them both but it was hard, i honestly don't know how you guys took care of us kids when we was sick or something' Ava smiles, Aria and Mona smiles


Savannah walks in their bedroom and sees Amanda laying down in pain Amanda looks at who Just walk in and holds out her left arm

'Mi Amor venir poner abajo con me Poe favor' Amanda says, in Spanish, (my love come lay down with me please) (I hope I said that right), Savannah smiles and walks up to her and lays down beside her

'It's ok, I'm here now' Savannah whispers, Amanda cuddles up closer to her and Savannah gives her pecks of kisses on her head


A couple of hours later Savannah is laying down on her back on her phone she has her left arm wrap around Amanda is laying her head on her chest then she opens her eyes she sees that Savannah is on instagram then she lays on her back and rubs her eyes Savannah looks at her she puts her phone on the nightstand and turns on her left side

'How you feeling?' Savannah says

'The cramps finally stop, now I'm lightheaded or dizzy I can't tell which one' Amanda says, Savannah starts to get worried

'When's the last time that you ate something?' Savannah asks

'Last night remember before bed we watch a movie together and we had popcorn and other snacks too' Amanda says

'Oh yeah, what do you want me to fix you?' Savannah asks

'You know that i can eat anything' Amanda says, Savannah starts laughing

'That's what she said' Savannah says, Amanda starts laughing too

'You know what i meant' Amanda says

'Yeah, i know' Savannah says, Amanda looks at her well all three all of them

'I would kiss you but there's three of you' Amanda says, Savannah chuckles and kisses

'I'll be back with your food and drink' Savannah says, she gets up

'Ok' Amanda says, Savannah leaves


20 minutes later Savannah comes back with four beef burritos and blue raspberry Gatorade

'Here you go Mi amor' Savannah says, Amanda sits up

'Are you trying to make me fat' Amanda says

Savannah chuckles and sits down in front of her, she puts the plate in front of her Savannah hands her the Gatorade Amanda takes it

'No I'm not, i just know how you hungry you get after cramping' Savannah says

'Oh yeah, thanks babe' Amanda says

'Anymore dizziness or lightheadedness?' Savannah asks

'No after you left a few minutes later it went away, i went to the bathroom and came back just fine' Amanda says, she takes a bite of the burrito

'Good' Savannah says

'How was the horse back riding?' Amanda asks

'It was good until they started fighting' Savannah says, Amanda looks at her

'fighting?, your parents hardly fight' Amanda says

'I know but this fight is what they always fight about Mona wants another baby' Savannah says

'I mean I can understand that after you guys left for college she's use to having you guys around to take care of' Amanda says

'Yeah I get that too but Aria pointed out that the age difference will be a problem and that shut up Mona real quick' Savannah says

'Maybe it's not a baby that she wants but a grandbaby since Claire and Ava are married already, thank god we're going to wait after college to get married' Amanda says

'Yeah, that's the Plan' Savannah says, Amanda can tell Savannah's mood has change

'Wait you wanna get married like they did?' Amanda asks

'No, but how about being engaged for two years or one year?' Savannah asks

'Yeah, i can handle that, the wedding has to wait until after college though' Amanda says

'Got it' Savannah says

'Does that give you a Clear picture' Amanda says, Savannah smiles

'Yeah it does' Savannah says

'Good' Amanda says, she kisses her and finishes her food

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