ch. 6: Ava in pain

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It's Friday Ava is having really bad cramps and she needs Claire because she gives off body heat and that helps with her cramps so Claire walks in Ava's room she walks up to her and can tell that Ava is really in pain she sits down beside her

'Hey, Mi amor, I'm here now, but first I gotta take this test first then I'll come back up here' Claire says

'Ok' Ava says, in pain, Claire kisses her on the forehead and goes downstairs

Claire was supposed to take this English test today but Ava's cramps decide to change those plans so her teacher let her take the test there with the teacher being there so Claire walks down the stairs and into the living

'Try to keep her calm until I get done' Claire says

'Got it' Emily says, she goes upstairs, Claire walks in the diner room and sits down she starts her test which she finishes within five minutes, hello it's Claire for crying out loud


After Claire gets done with her test she goes upstairs and walks in Ava's room

'How she's doing?' Claire asks

'She took some medicine finally it's starting to work but still in pain a little bit still, so now it's your turn' Alison says (MrAmbrose1 😉)

'Great' Claire whispers, they chuckle because they know how Ava is when she's in pain

'Why are you making fun of me?, I don't make fun of you when you're in pain' Ava says, she turns over on her side, Claire sighs and sits down beside her with her back against the headboard

'I know and I'm sorry I shouldn't have made fun of you like that, I'm just stressed out and you know when I do I make jokes' Claire says, Ava turns over and lays on her she wraps her arms around Claire's waist

'I'll deal with it later' Ava says

'Ok' Claire whispers, she kisses her on the head and Ava eventually falls asleep while Claire runs her fingers through her hair


It's around 3:30pm when Ava wakes up and looks at Claire then sits up them remembers what Claire said earlier she understands the joke now at the time she didn't because she was in pain

'Mi amor, wake up please your neck is going stiff' Ava says, she sits up and kisses Claire her on the lips, then she starts to wake up she opens her eyes

'Hey, there's those eyes that I missed' Ava says, Claire smiles

'Hey, feeling better?' Claire asks, Ava smiles

'Yeah I am and I get the joke that you Said earlier' Ava says

'I thought you would but still I shouldn't have said that because I know what you're going through, I'm sorry' Claire says

'Just learn from it and move on' Ava says, Claire smiles and sits up she kisses her

'Anyways how well did you do on your English test?' Ava asks

'I gotta check and see if he put them in yet' Claire says, she gets on the garde book and looks at her test score

'95%, that's good for someone who was stress out' Claire says

'Yeah well, they say that the best always thrives under pressure' Ava says

'I know and I hate it because it brings my anxiety out' Claire says

'How bad was it today?' Ava asks

'Not too bad because I think my mind was focused on you mostly and that kinda of ease my anxiety a little bit' Claire says

'Well even when I'm not there, I'm still there in a way'
Ava says, Claire smiles

'And you're always are' Claire says, Ava smiles then her stomach starts growling

'I think someone is hungry' Claire says

'Well time to find something to eat, thanks for coming over and staying with me' Ava says, Claire smiles

'It was no problem' Claire says, Ava kisses her and they go downstairs to get something to eat


Claire gets back to her house later that night she walks in the kitchen Mona and Aria looks at her

'Hey, how's Ava doing?' Mona asks

'She's back to normal kinda of' Claire says

'How did you do on your English test?' Aria asks

'I got a 95% pretty good for someone who was stress out' Claire says

'Good job' Mona says

'Thank you' Claire says

'What else is it?' Aria asks

'I made fun her by accident I didn't mean to she says it's ok and just move on from it but i still feel guilty about it' Claire says

'What was the joke?' Mona asks, Claire tells them the joke

'Looks like you have to make it up to her Somehow' Aria says

'I know I have to sleep on it' Claire says

'Ok goodnight sweetheart, we love you' Mona says, Claire hugs and kisses them

'Goodnight, love you guys too' Claire says, she goes upstairs and goes to bed, she does make it up to Ava but taking her out on a date

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