ch. 18: Ava gets hurt! 😱

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Ok here's a quick round up

Amanda and Savannah got back home David is fine all of the stress he was having with the IRS finally caught up to him, so Amanda and Savannah stayed there for a week

Addison proposal to Caitlin and Dylan proposal to Andrew different days

Ava and Claire just came back from their honeymoon and they just got to the beach house

Got that MrAmbrose1


Laying in Mona's and Aria's guest bed from left to right is Mona she's sitting up, Savannah is laying down beside her and Claire is sitting up beside Savannah, Aria is laying down in front of them, laughing and talking

Claire and Ava just got from their honeymoon and they are talking about that, Amanda and Ava went out to explore some abandoned buildings and take pictures, they ask the city or town to see if it's ok to do and it was as long as they don't damage anything, they won't

'So how was the honeymoon?' Savannah asks

'It started off Rocky at first but then it turn good' Claire says

'Now we got two more weddings to plan' Mona says

'This should be fun' Claire says

'Actually you'll have three weddings to plan' Savannah says, everybody looks at her in shock

'When are you going to propose?' Mona asks

'Either on her birthday which is coming up or my birthday, or in between the two dates' Savannah says

'I would do it in between both dates because that way it's not out shining that person on their birthday' Aria says

'True, plus if one of us does propose to the other one she just wants it between us' Savannah says

'Well that makes sense every couple is different' Claire says

'Yeah, i think that Amanda knows that I'm going to propose but doesn't know when though' Savannah says

'Well we have smart partners they're not stupid trust me I know' Claire says, they laugh


Down stairs Ava is sitting on the couch and Amanda is standing in front of her

'There's no way you can hide that cut from Claire' Amanda says, she has thin line cut on the back of her right forearm

'I know and I don't on to because whenever I'm hurt like physical pain, emotional pain, any kind of pain Claire well take care of me even if she's mad at me she will still do it, like right now' Ava says

'I'll text them and tell them it's a family emergency' Amanda says

'Ok' Ava says


Amanda texts everybody upstairs in the group chat that they are in together

Amanda- family emergency down stairs please Ava got hurt but she's ok though

Everybody gets the text and reads it

'Oh my god' Claire says, she gets up and leaves

'Here we go again' Mona says, she gets up so does Savannah and Aria


Down stairs

Claire walks in the living room

'Hey, what happened?' Claire asks, she walks up to them and sits down beside Ava she looks at her arm, then the others walks in

'We was coming out of a window and we didn't see this piece of glass sticking out it didn't cut me but it cut Ava though, she'll be fine the nurse said that it should be healed up in a week or so' Amanda says

'Do you have any cuts on you though?' Savannah asks Amanda

'No, I'm fine, they check me out just in case I missed something' Amanda says

'You guys went to the hospital?' Aria asks

'No I called the ambulance' Amanda says

'Well you guys are not going to anymore abandoned buildings' Claire says

'Don't worry we're way ahead of you on that one' Ava says

'I'm glad that you guys didn't run into anybody homeless' Aria says

'That's why we left because we was hearing voices and footsteps we both felt like we was in a horror movie' Amanda says

'I just have to keep an eye on it, make sure that it doesn't get infected, you know how a cat scratches you that's what it felt like' Ava says

'You look tired?' Mona asks

'I am, I'm going to go take a nap' Ava says, she gets up

'I'll come with you' Claire says

when Claire says that Ava doesn't know what Claire she's going to get the nice and understand kind or the mad and not understand kind so they go upstairs

'I feel dirty I'm going to take a shower' Amanda says

'You know that we're not talking about this right?' Savannah says

'I know I just want to take a shower geez' Amanda says, She goes upstairs and Savannah follows her


As they walk in their bedroom

'Ok I understand that you're upset about your dad but taking it on me isn't the way to go either' Savannah says,

Amanda sits down on the bed and starts crying Savannah walks up to her she sits down beside her and hugs her she kisses her on the head

'Its ok let it out' Savannah whispers

'I'm sorry i didn't mean to take it out on you' Amanda says

'What i meant was it's ok to let what you're feeling out just don't take it out on me' Savannah says

'I know, I'm sorry' Amanda says

'Its ok' Savannah says, she holds her until she stops crying


Ava and Claire walks in their bedroom and Claire shuts the door

'Ok go ahead yell at me I deserve it' Ava says, Claire looks at her confused and then walks up to her

'I know that in the past I over react about your safety and stuff like this it's a good thing that I do but I knew that one if you guys was going to get hurt and i accepted that, that's why I'm not mad, I'm just glad that you guys are safe and got outta there when you could but next time me and Savannah are going with you guys whenever you guys are ready to' Claire says, Ava smiles

'I'm glad that I got the nice and understand Claire this time' Ava says, Claire smiles

'I just have to look at the situation very careful before I react like I did today, besides I get to take care of you even though it's a small cut' Claire says, Ava kisses her

'I thought that you was tired?' Claire asks

'I'm not anymore' Ava says, she smiles and pushes her on the bed then gets on top of her and starts kissing her

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