Chapter 1 - A Slime Is Born

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A very small slime, you could call it a Micro Slime, slid across the floor; unseeing, unfeeling and oblivious to the world around it. It had just discovered its own existence and it was moving. It did not know its direction or destination but moving was as good as staying. Still, it had nothing else or nothing better to do. So why not?

With it being so small and so weak it was not able to move very fast. So, it continued to move slowly and ponderously.

You are now Micro Slime Level 1. Congratulations!

You have gained the Species Skill Absorb Level 1!

You have gained the Species Skill Digest Level 1!

Of course, the Micro Slime had no idea what it all meant, but it just continued on, exactly the way it was going. A fly buzzing around got stuck in the goop of the Micro Slime's body and stopped buzzing, sinking into it.

Would like to try to Absorb the Fly and gain access to its abilities? If you do not choose, you will by default absorb it.

Again, having no idea what was happening, the slime, of course, continued to move without caring about what was happening. A cascade of notifications filled its "mind."

You have absorbed 1 Fly!

You have gained the Species Skill Assimilate Level 1

Assimilate Failed!

You have gained the physical stat Health; your current Health is 14HP. Your HP Regen is 7HP per day.

You have gained the physical stat Stamina; your current Stamina is 6SP. Your SP Regen is 2SP per day.

You have gained the Physical Stat Strength. Your Strength is currently 1.

You have gained the Physical Stat Vitality. Your Vitality is currently 1.

You have gained the Physical Stat Endurance. Your Endurance is currently 1.

You have gained the Physical Stat Resistance. Your Resistance is currently 1.

You have gained the Ranged Stat Speed. Your Speed is currently 1.

By Digesting the Fly your Weight has increased to 4.012g. Your Volume has increased 2.006cm3 and your Density is 2.00g/cm3.

You have Digested 1 Fly! You have gained 0.1 Exp for killing 1 Fly. You require 0.9 Exp to Level Up.

Of course, this was all complete nonsense. What it did like was what had been added to it. It felt right, like it was supposed to happen and it wanted more.

Continuing to move, it encountered a hard, jagged surface which seemed to cause it some pain! It had got cut on the remains of the wall of the Alchemist's Lab as it made its way outside, landing on the well-manicured grass and soil outside among the debris.

You have received 1HP of damage!

As a slime it could not be cut, but it could receive minimal damage. With only 14HP, though, it could hardly afford to lose even one! It continued to cautiously move, it had not liked that feeling one bit!

Would you like to absorb Grass? If you do not choose you will automatically absorb Grass!

You have Absorbed 1g of Grass, 5 Blades!

Assimilation has failed!

Assimilation has failed!

Assimilation has failed!

It Started with Slime - Part 1Where stories live. Discover now