Chapter 3 - Died? Almost....

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The newly evolved Mini Slime felt.....exactly the same...a bit disappointing it thought.


After the warmth had faded from its body nothing much felt different, it had gained strength and got tired less quickly but other than that...nothing.


Okay, this was definitely new. This was something it had not felt before. Now that it could form some coherent thoughts it realised, this is what had been holding it back. It just needed to get stronger and it would be able to continue to think and do more. To understand and progress better, it liked being able to think. Granted its thought were sluggish at the moment, but it also felt that that was just temporary and would definitely improve with time as it grew and evolved more. Thism was a good choice! Mini Slime was so good!

If it had been able to choose, it might have selected to wait and go for a different evolution option but no point in worrying about that now. It might have gained the capability of thinking but it definitely hadn't learned about having regrets yet. It would be a while before it gained that level of reflection of thought.

So there it was, spread out, looking up towards the flies. It couldn't see much beyond the flies themselves. There were a lot of them but the eyes were not able to actually resolve anything beyond 1m away. After that everything was a hazy blur. Currently spread out as it was, it was maybe 10cm long and 5cm wide but very thin, less than a cm in thickness, as it continued to makes it slow and ponderous process forward from the edge of the woods.

To anyone looking at it, it looked a slow moving brown puddle that smelled like dung -thanks to Odour Alteration- with hundreds of Flies hovering over it. It was quite disgusting honestly, but the Mini Slime had no concept of clean or dirty or disgusting, so it just kept moving. At least it was no longer moving as slow as a Slug. Instead it was the speed of a Sloth which was not much faster, but it could feel its speed slowly improving.

It was just thinking about what to do next when there was a crash from inside the woods, and a small creature scampered through. It was small, maybe no wider or longer than the Mini Slime, but it was a lot taller. It seemed to be running from something. The Mini Slime was not able to hear it coming, but it saw the disturbance among the flies above it as they grew more and more agitated. Since it hadn't seen anything before, it did not know what to expect. It definitely had not expected for the creature to sink it taloned feet deep into its body where its eyes were!

You have received 16 HP of damage!

The pain that it felt was definitely a first. Slime does not have much in the way of a corporeal body and so it had not been in a situation which might cause it pain. This was not the tickling sensation of flies beating their wings against it in order to escape from its grasp. The only exception had been when it dragged its small body over the broken remnants of the wall of the Alchemists lab many hours ago, but that had long healed and been forgotten.

This was something altogether different; there was an impression of the animals foot in its body with a number of flies embedded in it that had not been quick enough to get out of the way.

If that weren't bad enough, before it had even had a chance to recover from that injury, an even larger paw with sharper talons landed directly on top of it as well! This paw was larger than the last one and much heavier. You can bet that it hurt even more than the previous one had.

You have received 57 HP of damage!

You are in critical condition, less than 10% HP left! Restore your health at the earliest possible time!

It Started with Slime - Part 1Where stories live. Discover now