Chapter 93 - Run

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The frustration of no Stamina was real as Aarav slunk along on his belly. The upside to doing that was that he could Consume the dirt as he went. Mana coated the floor in a thin layer, almost like wax that protected it from the elements. Hungry Slimes, too, obviously! How much Mana must it take to maintain this? Oh well, the dirt is fine for now. He was alone in the passageway between rooms, and it was time to try something else he had wanted to do.

Pulling up his Camouflage menu, he chose the Skin option he had acquired when the King touched him. This one was going to feel good! As soon as he thought it, the outer shell of his body turned into a golden brown like the King's skin had been. He would have called it a Mediterranean look if he were still on Earth. So now he was sliding on the floor like a giant cyst. The feel of skin under his paws felt right, though. It was a unique sensation and something he would never take for granted again. He had had to get rid of Gryphon skin from his library of textures to add this one, but it was worth it.

The skin on his body was smooth and cool to the touch. Not worrying about homeostasis to survive meant that Aarav could be okay at any temperature. Although he hadn't tested this new body with extremes, just because he could stay did not mean it was comfortable. Right now, he was the same temperature as the cold muraled floors. Unconcerned, the Slime continued moving. Snatching insects as he went were unlucky enough to be in his path. I like being able to just walk-slide along a hallway and not worry about anything other than my next meal or what I will do next. No predators here, he thought about the King and Queen and the aura of danger they gave off, mostly.

Instead of ten minutes, Aarav took like half an hour to drag his sorry ass back to the lab. By the end, he was cursing himself for his weakness and lack of Stamina. Training it should be one of his priorities, and his Mana and his Health and his was a very long list of weaknesses with dust and dreams in the strengths column.

Aarav slumped as he entered the lab. Getting to zero Stamina was always an uncomfortable experience, and the feeling of unstoppable lethargy was not like low blood sugar. It was more like hitting the wall in a marathon. If pushing through the pain also resulted in blood loss-yeah, it was terrible-not as bad as the Mana headaches when that bottomed out but still not pleasant.

Three figures in the lab moving with a clear purpose greeted him upon entry. Nice to see the missed me! Of course, he hadn't expected them to be worried about him, and they were the ones that caught him. Why is a small part of me still a little disappointed? If you don't care, Aarav, then you won't hurt. It was how he had lived a life before, and a particular Skill would not let him sink into previous ways.

"Ahh, your back," Haemish walked into the room, looking around. His three apprentices continued to work, ignoring both mentor and captive. "Good, good. We have much to be about." Haemish bustled about as well, careful not to meet the Slime's eyes. A furrow creased his brow. Was he worried about me? No, it's too much to hope. What's up with me being so needy all of a sudden. I have never needed anyone, and I am not about to start now. Cue The Way Forward is...Forward.

Surprising himself with his sudden elation, Aarav climbed up onto the table and called to Haemish, "I'm out of Stamina and Mana both, got a couple of potions for me?" Haemish turned and regarded the Slime.

"A gave you three potions yesterday. How are you using up your resources so quickly? Resources is your Mana, Stamina and Health..." Haemish belatedly explained.

"I gathered, and my Skills and Magic use it. Come on, Haemish! It's just training, you know!" Aarav beseeched the rotund man, knowing he would cave eventually. He just couldn't help himself, and he had to come to everyone's aid. At least the ones he knew, of which Aarav was now one.

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