Chapter 17 - Working Harder

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Sonic Boom has increased to Level 2!

Sonic Boom has increased to Level 3!

50% Exp Penalty when not attacking an actual Enemy!

It took less than half an hour for Resh to completely deplete all of its MP and had to wait for it to recover since Photosynthesis was still working on HP. Man, Resh was having fun, this was such an exhilarating feeling. Things had started getting a little fuzzy towards the end when its MP hit 1 and its vision blurred a little but the feeling of power when it released Sonic Boom was incredible. It was like power built-in its mouth and then was released in one go. Then in the cool down, something was building again in the background just out of sight. Then it could repeat the cycle all over again.

That penalty was annoying though. It would need to find some enemies to practice on to get familiar with. In the meantime it needed to be able to move faster again, flying would be best, it could git the enemy from any angle if it could fly.

You are planning to use Consolidate! This is irreversible and will take 33hrs and 27min at your current Weight of 2006.57g and Volume of 912.08cm3 after the process is concluded you will have a Weight of 160.50g and Volume of 69.78cm3 your new Density will be 2.3g/cm3, while Consolidate is happening you will be unable to perform any further actions, you will not be able to use any passive skills related to movement or growth, only those related directly to your safety, at this time there are Camouflage and Odour Alteration. Do you wish to go ahead with Consolidate? Yes / No?

So it would be able to fly and would still be of a size that it could use its weapons. That was good, and with its current size, it shouldn't lose any stat points or at least not many. It would also take more than a day to get this done this time. Hopefully, this would also push Consolidate to a higher level and it would get faster. Resh Camouflaged and Odour Altered itself to hide properly at the base of a nearby tree.


You have Consolidated to 160.50g and 69.78cm3 your Density has increased to 2.3g/cm3!

Consolidate has increased to Level 9!

Consolidate has increased to Level 10!

Congratulations on reaching Level 10! Consolidate has evolved into Strong Consolidate. Your Consolidating speed has increased from 1g/min to 3g/min. Your Density change will now increase from 0.1g/cm3 to 0.2g/cm3.

Consolidate has increased to Level 11!

Consolidate has increased to Level 12!

You have gained and lost the following stats due to size and weight reduction! +5 Speed, +6 Reaction, +4 Resistance, +3 Intellect, +4 Acuity, +2 Focus!

Odour Alteration has increased to Level 11!

Camouflage has increased to Level 11!

Tongue of the Grounded Squirret has increased to Level 3!

You have just received +1 Luck! Greater chance for good things to happen!

Resh bounced up and down to test its new weight. Fantastic! Its movements were significantly faster and its legs could work again. It would only be Consolidating when it was huge from now on! The best part was that it had not lost any points of Strength or Endurance of Vitality as it had done before. Now that it thought about it. Resh was able to remember a lot more of its experiences and form proper thoughts as well now.

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