Chapter 14 - Evolution Time

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You have qualified for 5 Evolutionary Option, do you wish to Evolve now or wait? If you do not choose you will automatically be evolved, if you would like to wait you will need to select No.

Yes / No?

Apart from meeting the requirement for Copycat Slime, it was all mostly the same for the Tier 3 options. It had several Tier 4 options now as well. Those did look quite good! It would have to start looking for and fighting and Assimilating better monsters. That would be to its ultimate benefit. It could not meet the requirement for either the Treaber or the Squitter. Both had nearly killed it as well. That just proved to Resh that those were good options for its next evolution.

For now, though Resh looked at the 2 choices it had. It disregarded the Ant, Termite, and Fly options. Resh did NOT want to become something like an insect. It couldn't become a Dense Slime either, not without Absorbing, Digesting, and the Consolidating many, many times. It would be possible it was just a matter of time. It would be able to strengthen its Absorb, Digest, and Consolidate skills, which had all been useful for it, but that also didn't seem like the best way forward.

Copycat Slime was something it had wanted to change into and now it could. But Aerial Slime had worked well for it, so it could stay the course and continue. It would continue to be able to boost its flying, it did not know if it would continue to be able to fly as much as it was able to now if it changed from the Aerial Slime path. One thing Resh had noticed here that it had not before was that it was only offered evolutions of the same Tier or 1 Tier higher, it had not been offered Treaber or Squitter evolutions when it was Tier 2. Not that it was Tier 3 it could see the new options.

More exploration was needed and within each point of Intellect, its mind got clearer and clearer. It would need to try to get as many points in that as possible and as quickly as possible in terms of the options available to it Copycat Slime was the best in that regard, it would get a lot of Intellect from that hopefully making its future decision making and ability to think things through better.

Copycat Slime!

It braced itself for the inevitable pain and shock and maybe....death...for a while nothing happened but then the pain came back as strong as before, it was there and it was painful but it the more Resh analysed it the more it realised that it wasn't feeling any actual pain but more the memory of pain. The memory was just very vivid and very present. So much so that Resh felt it as its own pain. It had not been able to separate itself from the pain before but now with the increase in Intellect, it was able to put that tiny gap between the two in its psyche.

After all that Resh breathed a sigh of relief. That had been a huge gamble. It had not known if there was something fundamentally wrong with it. If there had been a problem with its development that would cause it to die from evolving.

It did wonder for a brief moment, what was the reason for that pain to be coming back to it as a memory, it didn't make sense, it had felt pain before yes of course in the fights it had experienced in its brief life but that pain had felt different. Like a different body, not Slime it had felt more substantial when experiencing that pain. It didn't wonder for long though it had reaped some serious benefits with that last evolution and was eager to test out what it could do!

You have chosen Tier 3 - Copycat Slime! You are now Copycat Slime Level 1!

Copycat Slime can gain traits of other creatures more easily. You get a +10% chance to successfully Assimilate. Assimilate gets a 10x boost to experience.

It Started with Slime - Part 1Where stories live. Discover now