Chapter 142 - Restrictions

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You have reached 10kg! This is a threshold weight, and your attacks and physical skills will gain additional damage for getting to this weight! Double damage now that you have reached 10kg!

Due to your low Tier, you will not be able to gain the full benefit of reaching the weight threshold. 50% Penalty to benefits received. These benefits will be restored when you reach Tier 6!

Unprecedented Circumstance: Sentient Tier 4 being detected!

Due to your Sapience at Tier 4 penalty has been mitigated. You will receive the full benefit of your weight class! The following Weight class is 100kg!

Your Skill Supreme Consume has increased to Level 53!


Your Skill Supreme Consume has increased to Level 66!

Aarav was confused, to say the least. Wouldn't it have made more sense for the messages to just figure out the discrepancy and correct it before displaying everything? The information also told him one undeniable thing, there shouldn't be any sentient beings at Tier 4. Yet he had been sentient even before that, perhaps even from Tier 1. It was also clear that the Supreme Consume skill quickly became one of his most potent. If he kept up this pace, it might even outstrip Language Connoisseur. Only seven or eight hours had passed, and he was still what would have constituted a one-year-old back in the old world. Haemish said he looked about four and a half or five now.

Aarav still found it fascinating that humans born in different worlds could look similar yet start so different. What did it mean for the skeletal structure, bone density, or other developmental changes? Then again, the system would adjust everything as a person aged.

The following weight class was 100kg? It would be a while before he could comfortably get to that. For now, he was happy to stick to a child's form. As the day progressed, Boren and Haemish couldn't help but steal glances at the being that was literally growing before their eyes. What started as a 3kg fairy in the morning quickly became a 10kg human baby by the middle of the day.

But Aarav was not content to stop there; he wanted to reach Boren's size if he could before the day was out. With the improvements to Supreme Consume, it was not even a stretch.

Your Skill Supreme Consume has increased to Level 67!


Your Skill Supreme Consume has increased to Level 70!

Congratulations, your Skill has reached the Fourth Plateau Level 70! Your Skill Supreme Consume has evolved into Insatiable Consume. You can now Consume 7g of matter per Skill Level, and experience gained increased from 5 Exp per gram Consumed to 7 Exp per gram Consumed. Continue to Consume Weight, and you will soon be able to engulf the world!

Your Skill Supreme Consume has increased to Level 71!

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