Interlude XXXIX - Epilogue II - Air and Contemplation

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Safira walked along corridors of the Temple of Air on the outskirts of Pravwell, her feelings towards saving the inhabitants had not quite changed but she was less confident that they wanted to be saved and some part of her was still sceptical of her mission and what she had been sent into the city for. The older monks all said that everyone had to go through the growing experience that was Ambula Sacrificii but she was not convinced. She knew that the Roc in his unlimited benevolence would not put anyone through trials they could not handle but what if the priests' interpretations of those divine words was wrong? After all no one alive had met or spoke to the magnificent Roc.

She knew about the other false words that said they were just forces of nature, unthinking and mere beasts but she did not believe those words. She knew what was right and while the other three Elementals were powerful none could be considered more so than the Roc, he was majestic and a calming presence to all around him.

Safira took a deep breath and let it out slowly, allowing the calm of air to still her beating heart. Air was always calming. She could simply breathe and that would restore her, centre her. Was that not true power, power over ones emotions and erratic thoughts?

Safira took several more breaths then changed course walking more purposefully to the library where a vast knowledge of Roc and his teaching were held as well as what fault lay in the doctrines of the other religions, they simply did not know that hers was the one true belief. Her path was to teach others and show them the right way.

"Elder, I have done what was asked of me, what comes next?" Safira asked the man she met in the library. The elder smiled mildly at her and beckoned her closer.

"With that task completed you are only one step below the Elders. Which means that you may now chose your area of study. You may visit the various parts of Fryst and preach the gospel of Roc. We have enough faith in you now to know that you will do well in the various chapels around the continent. However you must not go beyond to the Islands of Strelknar, or the other place." The old man said.

"The other place?" Safira asked, intrigued at the new development. "What other place?"

"There is a dark presence that we know of in this world, we call it the Dark Continent but we know nothing more." The Elder said. Then without any words of goodbye he simply walked away, this time there was no sign of age in the motion though. It was as if this burdens had been lifted.

Was it Safira's imagination or did she feel heavier now? Also she had a sudden urge to visit Brewyn, there was something there that she needed to learn about. What could it mean? Their library was second to none. Perhaps it was something there?

Not sure what was happening with her Safira began her preparations to visit Brewyn's wealth of knowledge. Even if she started early tomorrow and flew the whole way, it would be a long day indeed.


Borowyn was in contemplation. He sat in his throne room, his advisors and military leaders arrayed before him and his wife by his side. He made a point not to bring too many of the nobility into the room for these sessions, many would use unrest to leverage their own power.

He was not afraid of being usurped, he simply did not need such a distraction right now. So the people before him were those that he trusted implicitly.

He could not understand what had caused the ruckus and if his son and the odd creature had not come across the Berserker by happenstance they may not have learned of the situation until it was too late. Perhaps his son's bad luck was finally working for the kingdom? Though it was at the cost of putting him in harm's way and Borowyn was not entirely sure it was a trade off he was comfortable with. What parent would be willing to risk their children to stop a greater threat to the kingdom.

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