Chapter 6 - Forced into Consolidating

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Resh was incredibly excited; it had a name! This was definitely something new. It didn't know if this was a good thing or not, but it certainly was happy with this development. With its evolution into a Mini Aerial Slime and with a new name it felt like a completely different being and was excited to see what new things it could do. It felt that it could do more already without even having levelled up yet in this new form.

It was interested, also, to understand what that 4th option was that it had not had access to. Resh had not understood the requirement, Density 5g/cm3. What did that mean?

You have gained the Species Skill Consolidate Level 1! By shedding 99% of your Weight you can increase your Density by 0.1g/cm3. When consolidating no other active abilities can be used and once started the consolidation process must complete fully. Consolidation may also have an effect on your core stats as well. Reduction in Volume with increased density still applies, Consolidate will become more efficient as you level up.

To consolidate 159.82g of Weight and 79.91cm3 of Volume and 2g/cm3 into 1.60g and 0.76cm3 and 2.1g/cm3 it would take 2hr 40min. Would you like to consolidate now?

It quickly rejected the idea of doing it now; it would lose 99% of itself? That was practically all of it! It would end up smaller than when it started! It wasn't very big to begin with. Perhaps, at some point in the future when it had grown too large and needed to shed some of the extra weight, it might consider it. Resh also realised, that getting to a Density of 5g/cm3 would require using that ability a lot! Would it have an effect on its core stats? What did that even mean? It was not very clear...

It would be better for Resh to take some time and think about it.

With its Health and Stamina fully restored, it needed to find something to kill so that it could start gaining experience again. Otherwise, it would never be able to evolve again, and it had some good options still to choose from, assuming it was offered the same choices.

Find out later! It thought. Nothing for it but to keep going!

It was still limited by its low Wings of the Fly skill, which was only Level 7, so it could only fly for 7m each hour, it would need to increase that significantly if it was going to use its wings as a proper method of transportation. In the meantime it still had its legs, which did not have a distance limit, and at Level 7 would improve its movement speed by 7% as opposed to just sliding on the ground.

First on its list of priorities was to increase its flying capability. Its choice of Aerial evolution had been based on its love of flight, and so it should take advantage of that. Before it could launch itself into the air though, it felt a dull ache, something it had not felt before but had been gradually getting worse over the last few days. Instinctively it knew this was hunger. So, it needed to eat, or at least Absorb and Digest some material to satisfy the hunger.

It began by absorbing some leaves in the canopy of the tree it rested in. While it did this it allowed its consciousness to fade away a little so that it could rest while absorbing and digesting.

You have Absorbed 6g of Leaves and Branches!


You have Absorbed 7g of Leaves and Branches!

You have Digested 6g of Leaves and Branches!


You have Digested 7g of Leaves and Branches!

Absorb has increased to Level 7!

Digest has increased to Level 7!

It Started with Slime - Part 1Where stories live. Discover now