Chapter 9 - Second Fight, A Little Better...

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The leap from the branch Resh was on to the lower branch was further than it originally thought. It hurt as usual. It really needed to think and plan before it leapt. But it was an Aerial Mini Slime so it tried to slow its descent with its wings...which would not co-operate as they were tired. Resh landed with a soft heavy "plop." And immediately began to Absorb the creature and Digest it at the same time. Predictably though, since both Digest and Absorb were so slow the creature struggled.

You have received 4HP Damage from Squitter!

It had been caught unaware. Otherwise, Resh knew, it would have taken a lot more damage, but as its slime body covered the Squitter's eyes, nose and mouth and the rest of its body its movements slowed. Attacks came less frequently and Resh tried to finish it off with Slime Club.

You have surprised the Squitter and incapacitated it! Squitter can't breathe and is losing the will to fight!

You do not have enough Volume to use Slime Club! You need a minimum of 50cm3 to form the weapon!

You have received 7HP Damage from Squitter!

You have received 9HP Damage from Squitter!

You have received 12HP Damage from Squitter!

You have received 17HP Damage from Squitter!

You have received 22HP Damage from Squitter!

Resh tried not to give it a chance to fight back but it was unlucky. The Squitter began biting it from the inside and chewing on it and swallowing parts of its body! If it could not use Slime Club, which was extremely irritating it would need to find another way and quickly. Otherwise there would not be much of it left. It started to aggressively use its body to force itself further down the Squitter's throat to try to smother the creature. It should just count its lucky stars that it had enough Volume to suffocate the Squitter. It was on the verge of panic as the Squitter had already eaten 20% of its body and was still going! But since it had not been able to breathe this whole time and Resh had made its way into its lungs and not its stomach the Squitter would not be able to eat all of it. It would not stop it from losing more Volume though and part of its weight. If Resh knew of the Gods, it would have prayed to them as to why it was always so unlucky, all the time!

You have gained the Mythic Stat Luck. Your Luck is currently 0. Luck can change unpredictably from time to time. Be aware!

Resh groaned inwardly. Even if it could not read, it could understand the message and it had not received any good news from this information. The moral of this story was that it could only rely on itself.

In the end, the battle did not end with Resh utterly destroying the Squitter. No, in the end it was simply that the Squitter needed to breathe, and the Aerial Mini Slime did not let it. If there had been any thinking behind the Aerial Mini Slime's actions, it might had done things differently. Alas, it was not to be. Perhaps it should invest more in Intelligence or Acuity. No, Resh was definitely not a deep thinker but it would need to approach things in a different way, or it was definitely going to die and very quickly.

You have Absorbed the Squitter!

You have gained 13 Exp from Squitter!

You have Assimilated 1 Squitter and can now choose what to Assimilate from the Squitter. Would you like to Assimilate the Paws, Eyes, Nose, Mouth or Tail? If you do not choose then an option will be selected at random!

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