Chapter 120 - Stability

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 "Aarav, you have been at this for a week. Have you really made no progress yet?" Haemish yelled to the Slime, now looking much more like a human. The last week had seen a lot of progress, and Aarav was about to rub his mentor's face in it.

"Okay, here we go!" Aarav feigned, struggling to get his legs to cooperate. If Haemish hadn't gotten bored and left Aarav to his own devices, he would know the trick. But Haemish had decided to rear his beloved pet Slimes instead of working with his devoted apprentice. Devoted might be a bit strong, but Aarav was committed not.

The stick was still keeping him upright, or so it seemed. Suddenly, the walking staff slipped from his grip, on purpose, of course, eliciting precisely the reaction he had hoped from the Potion Master. He reached for Aarav's side with a gasp, no doubt planning to catch him by reflex when Aarav quickly righted himself. Not even a wobble! Then he bowed and took in the applause that was rightfully his. "One week, Haemish. You were right; all I needed was practice!"

Aarav was standing in the gardens again, where he had first practised with the joints. The week had gone into working his numerous joints. Followed by practising and then walking. Each movement in a single stride was mapped out precisely, then choreographed to perfection so he could apply Mana with precision and tug on the strings where he had to. At best, he had reached semi-competence, but he could walk like a human being again. It was so exciting. I have my intellect to thank for the quick improvement. It might be average for people here to have 100 Intellect, but it is good enough to start walking again for me. Not to mention his larger size and torso and head as well. So as not to startle anyone, Aarav had taken on a humanoid shape. His head now had eyes, ears, nose and mouth in all the appropriate places, with skin covering everything and Slime filling in the spaces between. He had gained more than the weight from the pastries. Instead of just twelve and a half kilograms, he was closer to twenty, having eaten more moderate amounts over the last few days.

Now he could confidently say he had the body of a four-year-old toddler with different parts from different animals all tacked on together. He was making it work, adjusting the various appendages to some semblance of a human. "There are some fairy folk that are smaller than humans, and they are fully developed but just on a miniature scale." Haemish had said when he saw Aarav's expression.

Aarav had shortened his arms and legs to have all the right proportions for a person. This was fun; he was tottering around like an actual toddler in just a week, not bad for seven days of work! Not only that, but walking was not the only thing he had gained in the past week. His skills had improved as well! Talents were put to good use during that time, and if he was honest, he felt like a different person.

Haemish had also been acting a little odd since that day. Well, more than his usual oddness. Aarav had tried asking him a few times if he was alright, but he received no concrete feedback. A wave of a hand of a shrug, nothing more. Conversely, the miniature Slimes had been doing phenomenally.

Aarav took a second to look at his gains in the last week:

Your Skill Zen Meditation has increased to Levels 15, 16 & 17!

Your Skill Natural Plant Healing has increased to Levels 20 & 21!

Your Skill Strong Odour Alteration has increased to Levels 20 & 21!

Your Skill Strong Camouflage has increased to Levels 20 & 21!

It Started with Slime - Part 1Where stories live. Discover now