Chapter 44 - Road to Density

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Natural Plant Healing has increased to Level 18!

You have just received +4.7 Luck!

Land Dwelling has increased to Level 16!


Land Dwelling has increased to Level 18!

Consume has increased to Level 21!

Consume has increased to Level 22!

The Talents were already showing their worth by pushing stagnant skills up fast. It was a wonder to Resh and something that it was sure it needed to keep working on. Resh Identified Consolidate to see if it was the right time to go for it.

Slime Species Skill Strong Consolidate Lv. 17 Exp. 9058 / 9146

Consolidating will result in a net gain of stats, a negligible chance of some minuscule stat loss.

...and that is good enough for me! After a quick and silent celebration, Resh checked the prompt for Consolidate.

You are planning to use Consolidate! This is irreversible and will take 7hrs and 24min at your current Weight of 1,330.30g and Volume of 492.70cm3 after the process is concluded you will have a Weight of 226.15g and Volume of 77.98cm3 your new Density will be 2.9g/cm3, while Consolidate is happening you will be unable to perform any further actions, you will not be able to use any passive skills related to movement or growth, only those related directly to your safety, at this time those are Strong Camouflage and Strong Odour Alteration. Do you wish to go ahead with Consolidate? Yes / No?

Yes! Resh thought, and the process began...

A few hours later still underground and considerably smaller, some parts of Resh's current space had collapsed on top of it as space had been created from its shrinking body. Resh had made some interesting gains once again.

You have Consolidated to 226.15g and 77.98cm3 your Density has increased to 2.9g/cm3!

Consolidate has increased to Level 18!

You have gained and lost the following stats due to size and weight reduction! +5 Speed, +6 Reaction, +4 Resistance, +3 Intellect, +2 Acuity, +3 Focus, +2 Dexterity!

Resh continued to think about its gains and the memories that plagued its mind when blanked. But could not help feeling there had to be a faster or better way still. Unfortunately, it had tried to analyse the Consolidation process but as before its senses had receded and so it was unable to understand how it worked on a deeper level so could not do what it had one for some of its other skills and abilities to make them more efficient. It was a shame as Resh thought there had to be ways to make it better. Maybe in the future, the Earth Slime would find a way to make it work.

Resh was straight back to grinding Consume again. It was going to be a long process with no end in sight. Resh sighed and got back to it. Consume, Consolidate then Consume and Consolidate again. It was taking too long and Resh needed to start Consolidating multiple times a day or it was going to take too long to get to where it needed to for Dense Slime. So at 226.15g Resh decided to Identify. It was time to check what losses it would incur for Consolidating early.

Slime Species Skill Strong Consolidate Lv. 18 Exp. 10388 / 10686

Consolidating will result in a net gain of stats, a high chance of some medium stat loss.

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