Intermission VI - Boren, Training Begins

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Prince Boren was completely well again, no one would think that just a few short weeks ago he was close to his death bed with little chance of survival, then Haemish had shown up and not a week later a cure had been administered to the young Prince.

"Prince Boren, your tutor awaits." Marasa Brean his main carer during his sick days was up and about getting things ready for Boren to resume his studies. It had already been put off long enough. The Prince was supposed to start studying magic as was a tradition as soon as he was nine years old. Unfortunately, he had spent his ninth birthday in his sick bed. It was becoming abysmally common for him to spend time there.

While most children his age might baulk at the thought of studying. Boren had had so little of normal in his few years that studying magic might be a nice change. Boren was all but jumping to get to his lessons. That was why Marasa found him pacing in his room dressed and ready for the day. Walking in on the unusual scene brought a smile to her face. She had told him last night that she would allow him to resume his studies today after making certain sure that he was well enough to get back out there.

"Thank you Marasa, I appreciate your coming here to get me. Not to worry though. I know the way. Happy to get to magic training, just turn nine!" Boren had tried to remain dignified, remembering his father teaching on how to maintain proper royal decorum but at the last, his voice went high pitched and he could not contain it anymore. Marasa, seeing this behaviour gave the Prince a stern but amused glance and nodded for him to be on his way.

Considering he had been sick the Prince took off like an arrow from a bow. Dodging, weaving and heavily tripping between the servants and other royals. Startling not a few as he made his way to the library. That was where he would be meeting Fenwin the mage who specialised in training magic.

"Well, well, well. Whom have we here? Hmmm....Young Prince Boren! Hope you have come here to learn a thing or two about magic?" Fenwin was a wizened old man Boren didn't think he had seen anyone that looked older than this man before him.

"Yes sir! Mr. Zarge, sir! I am ready and eager to learn! Look, I can do this already!" Boren was eager. Too eager perhaps. Fenwin quickly jumped in and stopped Boren before he could progress too far.

"Easy, Boren! Don't just jump with both feet! Magic is a dangerous business. You could hurt yourself in the attempt. The fact that you already have made some progress tells me you have been dabbling when you shouldn't have!" Fenwin was stern as he looked down on the nine-year-old boy but couldn't pretend to stay annoyed for long. It was endearing to see the youth of today working hard. There were precious few that worked at anything these days and an eager student was a good thing if they survived long enough. "Young one, I will teach you the basics and then you can train it up and play with it to your heart content. But first the basics!" Fenwin would not accept any messing around with dangerous elements, not only because this lad was the Prince but because he would not lose a student to recklessness.

Too many have been lost already with that. Fenwin's mood darkened slightly at that, a moment later though after a steadying breath he was back.

"Ahem. First things first. Which of the four basic elements were you practising with?" Fenwin asked, furrowing his brow. The expression made his already withered face look even older.

"Huh?" Boren was at a loss and didn't understand the question at all.

"It will be easier if I show you. Follow me!" Fenwin called to Boren as he shuffled off in the direction of the palace grounds, they were not far and so even hobbling along on his walking stick Fenwin and Boren arrive at the practice grounds of the palace located near the melee training area. Some dummies had been set up in a circular area for mages to practice. Fenwin continued the lesson.

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