Chapter 54 - The Next Step

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Evolutionary Options Remaining - 2

Slime Options – 2 Viable Options

Tier 4 – Boss Copycat Slime Requirements Met

Tier 4 - Aerial King Slime Requirements Met

After eliminating all the options he didn't want to go for he was left with nothing but Slimes he quickly eliminated Earth Emperor Slime and King Water Slime as well. He would not take anything that restricted him to water or required him to remain underground. That one time he had been waterboarded was enough to send a shiver down his spine at the idea of entering a body of water deeper than his waist. Drowning and being buried alive had really changed his attitude towards both underground and underwater activities. The mob really knew how to put the fear of the elements into a person.

Still, he wasn't stupid. He would use all the tools at his disposal. Those spells would still come in handy and he was absolutely going to go to town with them! Also, he was sure he could get used to the idea of being in water....he shuddered, and... underground. Another tremble racked his whole body as he tried to calm himself. Air was safe at least and he hadn't encountered Fire yet. Those mobsters were always very creative...

Thirty minutes left to decide, plenty of time.

Out of the three viable options, only two had their criteria met, which meant that he only had two viable options. The alternative was to go back underground before the timer ran out and Consume and Consolidate until he achieved the required Density. He was only halfway there so it would take a lot. No, that was never going to happen. So out of the two choices, which one, Boss Copycat or Aerial King....

Tier 4 - Aerial King Slime

Requirements: Be an Aerial Slime Level 10, have Insectoid Wings, Level 10+

Description: Aerial King Slime is a greater form of Aerial Slime, retain the abilities of Aerial Slime and more!

Evolutionary Bonus: +5 Intellect, +4 Accuracy, +5 Reaction, +7 Speed, +5 Perception, +45HP, +10HP Regen +30SP, +5SP Regen, +10% chance to Assimilate Wings and Wing related objects.

Requirements Met

Tier 4 – Boss Copycat Slime

Requirements: Be a Tier 3 Slime – Level 10. Have Assimilated at least 30 different traits in total.

Description: Boss Copycat Slime is a Tier above Copycat Slime and even better at taking on traits of other creatures. It is so good in fact that if you become a Boss Copycat Slime some of its traits becomes so deeply ingrained that they will never leave you, becoming an integral part of your DNA. You get a +20% chance to successfully Assimilate. Assimilate gets a 20x boost to experience.

Evolutionary Bonus: +12 Intellect, +8 Accuracy, +6 Reaction, +5 Perception, +55HP, +15 HP Regen +8 SP, +3 SP Regen, +30 MP, +8 MP Regen

Requirements Met

Both are good but realistically Boss Copycat Slime is the only option right now, Assimilate is the reason for my survival up to this point. It is the reason so many evolutionary options are available to me and the higher my Assimilation chance the better. More experience for Assimilate is also the best way for me to make it much stronger. That will serve me better right now and then I can choose Aerial King Slime after. Also, there is no way I can pass up an evolution with the word "Boss" in it, I want to finally feel like a Mafia Don!

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