Interlude XXIII - Safira, Saviour

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Safira Aeris awoke from what felt like an age of sleep. Looking around, she was in a cave of some sort. The ruffians of the Renfay were assaulting her the last she recalled. Safira was not oblivious. She had been a walking target. The wealth displayed something rarely seen in Darf and never in that part of Pravwell. Then she had blacked out, and when she woke up here. Where is here?

Abruptly, she remembered the creature she had seen stalking the rooftops and leaping down at her. With a start, she realised that the figure happened to be sitting just a short away between her and the cave entrance. They were humanoid, wearing a black mask and suit that hid their features. The light in the cave was dim enough that she likely would not have been able to see anything of note even if there was no disguise.

"Hello," her voice came out as a croak, and she tried to clear it and try again.

"You saved me?" This time was a little better, but the dryness cut through her throat and caused her to cough and splutter.

"Water in the skin by your side." The self-possession in that feminine voice was noteworthy. Just the sound relaxed Safira a little. Even though she knew she should remain on guard, it was hard not to relax at the sound of assurance in the woman's voice. And it is a woman, Safira thought.

Reaching over to where she thought the container likely to be in the dim light, she gasped the first thing that came to hand. Lifting it to her lips, she uncapped and first smelled it before tentatively tilting it back and taking a sip. The water was lukewarm and tasted like leather, but it was wet, and her throat soaked it up like the Kashvian Desert.

Her saviour did not miss the motion. A grin crossed her lips. "If I were going to kill you, I would not do it with poison, and I could have just left you there."

She tried once more to speak but ended in a coughing fit. After a minute or two and another sip of water, she finally managed to get it under control before asking. "Where are we?"

The instinctual "we" surprised her. She didn't know this person, so why include her? She didn't know if this woman was her saviour or kidnapper. It had still felt right, though, and she went with it.

"Rest, the damage done was severe. Managed to get to the worst of it but not all. What were you doing in the Renfay quarter? And with the valuables you had? You hoping for that outcome? I intervene unnecessarily?" the words she said seemed sarcastic. But, something in her tone said that she was genuinely curious about the answer.

"No, no. You rescued me, and I needed it. My order forbids the use of magic to kill, so I can only use it to protect myself." Her stomach clenched in disappointment, quickly masked. She lost all the valuables she wore. It should not have come as a surprise, so there should have been no disappointment. But then, it had been a large amount of wealth. She whispered, "Ambula Sacrificii."

She would not explain it or share it with others; the order forbade that as well. They would not understand the benevolent nature of the Roc. Even if this woman had not saved her, something else would have. The Roc was all-knowing, and being saved was his work. She would not waste the opportunity. "The Roc provides." That mantra reverberated in her from the moment she stepped past the threshold of the city. This rescue only served to reaffirm her faith. Upon her return, she would pray to the Roc and ascend so she could help this saviour.

She finally understood why the Walk of Sacrifice was necessary. She had not before, thinking that the faithful had been dooming her to death. Her resolve would never waiver again. This woman would also receive a boon from her. Though she did not have the means now, she would make it once she ascended and gained further influence.

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