Chapter 64 - The Confusing World of Stats

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Oh for Christ sake! Aarav not prone to swearing but sometimes nothing else quite captured the essence of what he felt. I can already tell that this Talent is going to be soooo annoying...

Fine! I'll stop dwelling...happy now!? The thought was, unsurprisingly, met with complete radio silence. Arrrgh!!

Aarav took a breath in and let it out slowly, having no idea where the air was going or coming from, he did not need breathing but it did help him calm down. With that he was ready to understand what was happening. This new level twenty-five had been a turning point. With level ten a change happened in each Skill, it was related to what he required of the Skill, nothing fancy or significantly profound but tangible.

Now with this new level up there had been another change, when he had gone past level twenty-five with Land Dwelling he had experienced something similar, again the memories from his time being Resh filtered gradually through in incoherent spurts. It was like stages. First Stage was up to level ten then level twenty-five was the next. Hmmm...when is the next one? Fifty maybe? Or are there just two stages? Aarav knew he was over thinking this built-in agony aunty but it didn't seem to have a problem with this line of speculation so he could keep going with it.

The change in Land Dwelling had not been as profound as this though, the colours continuing to swirl in front of his damp eyes. He couldn't help himself, it was just so good to be able to see in colour again instead of an old eighties movie. This was real life, you should always be able to see in colour.

After his brain had settled down a little Aarav finally did something he had been meaning to for a while and that was to try to understand what these stats and Skills and all this was about. Having lived in a world where it was not normal to naturally see numbers and a screen hovering in mid-air, this was bizarre to the extreme. However in this world it was normal to have life boiled down to numerical values. So he was not an abnormal in that regard. While observing a villager earlier in the day he had seen him pause glance at something in the air that no one else could see and then continue. He might have just been enjoying the view but Aarav was happy to assume that he was also checking out a status menu or something. His hands hadn't moved but that maybe people were more intuitive that way? It could be especially true here where they would have grown up with it.

Aaarav then did something that he had been meaning to for a while, he brought up his status screen, the whole thing. It was massive stretching from the top of the red roof tiles up to above his heads height. It was too big and too much to look at all at once. A little at a time...he thought sceptically.

He looked at the first section, talking about his level, species, name and various other mundane details, not telling him much about what he was capable of but more about where he was at now:




Boss Copycat Slime

+30% assimilate



Level / Max:

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