Chapter 85 - Brewyn Palace

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"How does it glow like that? It just seems to shine." awe tinged his voice as he spoke.

"Volcanite layer on the walls made of Granite and then a coating of Mana. It keeps the surface extremely clean, reflective and strong." Haemish said with pride. Either he had made it or directed its making, and the pride in his face said as much.

"Well, it is a marvel. Nice work! I didn't know that I could use Mana like that. Like paint on the walls, interesting. Do you need to refresh it? Or does it just stay forever?" Aarav asked.

"Ha! Hilarious little spy! If you are trying to allay my suspicions, you ask the wrong questions. Maybe you should steer clear of those types of questions until you have shown that you mean no harm to this kingdom, eh?"

He nipped that conversation in the bud, buzz kill. A childish part of Aarav wanted to stick his tongue out at the fat man, but he just about managed to hold it together. Man, I need to get these impulses under control.

Aarav was going to have to take this a step at a time. Step one, earn some respect, step two each trust, step three find out everything, or something like that.

As the hour wore on, they continued to get closer to the palace. As discussed, Aarav kept mute on the approach. About half an hour later, there was a shimmer in the air. It seemed that the group had to pass; Aarav might have flown straight through it without even realising it was there. It was like a heat haze in a desert.

"What sort of barrier is it?" he asked.

"You know this is a barrier? You'n'me and goin' to have a little chat after this. You know entirely too much for a monster from the forest." Rion had gotten closer in their time travelling on land, and it was easier to stay within speaking distance on the ground where the wind was less barrier. A glare followed up that statement.

"Rion, you will keep the presence of Resh understand. That is my order, soldier!" Haemish looked sharply at Rion and then extended that look to Marteen and Taler as well. "Understood?"

There was a chorus of murmured, "Yes sir and yes, Master Haemish." the men bobbed their heads at Haemish. Disconcertingly though, all of them had their eyes trained on Aarav's form trussed up in his sack. The sack, not my sack, for god's sake; this disgusting sack I will never accept as mine!

Each of the men produced a sort of talisman as they passed through the barrier, still not taking their eyes off Aarav. That lasted a full three minutes before they finally turned to look back in the direction of travel. Aarav breathed a quiet sigh which only Haemish heard.

Still, no one answered his question.

After a long day of travel, none of the group seemed interested in talking. Aarav had taken a nap, but none of the others could while in the saddle. Soreness and travel weariness had taken their toll. Everyone was grouchy and ready for a hot meal.

After passing through the barrier, it only took another fifteen minutes to get to the palace's back entrance. They would need to enter from here to avoid suspicious from the various houses in Brewyn, whose spies were everywhere, and then head to their respective places of stay. The kitchens were near the back entrance, and smells were wafting out. Stomachs growled in anticipation.

A hot meal and then off to their beds. For Rion and Haemish, that meant their rooms in the palace, but for Marteen and Taler, it meant heading into town and their homes. Aarav didn't know much about these folk, but he was sure that he would in due time. The morbid thought surfaced again, but he squashed it down. Don't think about that!

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