Chapter 33 - Next Step?

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The next order of business was checking out its next evolution. Looking at the list again it knew for 100% certainty that it did not want to become any type of insect. Getting rid of them completely the list went down from twenty choices to seventeen. Next Resh looked at the Tier 3 Water Options. None of those appealed overly much so taking those 3 out was a no-brainer. Its options were reduced from seventeen to fourteen. The Tier 3 Earth Options were all weak as well, Resh wasn't interested. Twelve Options were left.

Satisfied, Resh left it at that. The rest could be potential choices in the future. For now, it needed to look at what was next. Resh had never chosen anything except slime options, if it was honest with itself, it was mostly fear. What would change if it stopped being a Slime? Would it lose some of its abilities as it had in the past? Would it be able to go back to being a Slime? What about its ability to change and adjust its shape? Would it still be able to Consolidate as it could now? That was a Slime ability. It might lose that if it ever stopped being a Slime. The indisputable fact was that Slimes were weak creatures for the most part. Compared to many other monsters and creatures in the world Resh wasn't strong. But that didn't mean that it couldn't become powerful if it continued to stay as a Slime, right? Whatever else there was Resh was simply not ready to stop being a Slime, there were a lot of other options available but none were as appealing to it as staying a Slime, for now at least. Eventually to reach the true heights one day Resh would need to change. Resh was not ready to risk losing some of its most powerful capabilities. Consume, Assimilate and Consolidate, were the bread and butter skills of Resh's existence and the reason Resh had grown to where it was now. Not an easy decision to take for sure. Resh checked all five slime options in more detail.

Slime Options – 5 Options

Tier 3 - Dense Slime

Requirements: Be a Tier 3 Slime - Level 10, have a Density greater than 10.00g/cm3

Description: This is a very dense form of Slime, you will be able to pack much more of a punch behind your actions and skills, however at the cost of being slower. Dense Slime is at the density of most lower-tier metals and materials so you can expect your formed weapons and attacks to have quite the effect!

Evolutionary Bonus: +2 Intellect, +10 Strength, +7 Endurance, -8 Speed, +8 Vitality, +100 HP, +20 HP Regen, +35 SP, +15 SP Regen

Requirements Not Met

Tier 3 - Earth Slime

Requirements: Be a Tier 3 Slime - Level 10, have Underground Living Level 7+! Have assimilated 1 Earth Adaptation Trait!

Description: Earth Slimes are more adapted to Earth. You will have no penalties for being underground but instead will have penalties for your activities on land and in water.

Evolutionary Bonus: +4 Strength, +3 Vitality, +2 Endurance, +3 Resistance, +3 Perception, +65HP, +17HP Regen +15SP, +2SP Regen, 2x Exp for Earth-Related spells and Skills, +10 Levels to Underground Living but it will not Level further with this evolution, gain Talent Earth Born +10% Damage Resistance to Earth-based attacks.

Requirements Not Met

Tier 4 – Boss Copycat Slime

Requirements: Be a Tier 3 Slime – Level 10. Have Assimilated at least 30 different traits in total.

Description: Boss Copycat Slime is a Tier above Copycat Slime and even better at taking on traits of other creatures. It is so good in fact that if you become a Boss Copycat Slime some of its traits becomes so deeply ingrained that they will never leave you, becoming an integral part of your DNA. You get a +20% chance to successfully Assimilate. Assimilate gets a 20x boost to experience.

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