Chapter 21 - Map Making 101

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Resh had gained about a kilogram and a half from those enemies as well. However, while using the water it had discovered a way to control its Weight by allowing the water to gently wash away some of it. Since Resh always stayed close to the shore it could control this and never lose too much. It also had not needed to Consolidate for that reason as it did not want to have to sit still for an extended time. So it maintained its weight at the 295g mark so that it could continue to fly unobstructed. It only took a little while to acclimatise to the new sensation of losing Volume since it wasn't painful at all. It was more of a tingly feeling that was very enjoyable.

Over the last few days, Resh had also improved on its Luck and was now sitting with a respectable 6.3!

It was late on the 6th day of exploring the river and surrounding area that the thing Resh had been pining for finally happened!

You have gained the Exploration skill Mental Map Level 1! This skill will grow as you explore more of this world. New Areas that you explore will be added automatically to your Mental Map. Currently explored area is 10km2 of this world or 0.00000001%! You have reached the minimum explored area for this skill, keep exploring to see what else you can discover.

Resh finally got it! A way to keep track of where it had been! Resh had been hoping there would be a way and now it had been given it, and all it had needed to do was explore. It would need to keep going and this was all the encouragement it needed.

Now that it had the skill Resh checked the areas displayed. On it, there were markers for important locations, where Resh had first started its life, that location was marked as Resh's birthplace and it had a small picture of a house though Resh didn't completely know what that was. It knew it was a place to stay. The moving East Resh saw the part of the forest it had spent much of the last few weeks of its life, then there was the Ant Hill where it had eating its fill, Resh's mouth and tongue started to salivate at the thought.

Further East still and Resh could see where it had stopped exploring in roundabout circles. Instead, there was a thin line of the part of the forest that Resh had explored until it got to the river. A slightly lighter grey line surrounded by large swaths of the darker grey of the forest. This marked its flight from the Panther, Resh shuddered at the thought. It had barely made it out of that situation but there was no point in getting overly concerned it had made it out and now it was stronger for it. Time to check what evolutionary options it had!

Wow! Too Many!

Evolutionary Options

Tier 3 - Dense Slime

Requirements: Be at Tier 3 Slime - Level 10, have a Density greater than 10.00g/cm3

Description: Expand for more detail

Requirements Not Met

Tier 3 – Burrower Worm

Requirements: Be at Tier 3 - Level 10, have Assimilated the Mouth, Skin and Tail of the Burrower Worm @ Level 10+, Underground Living 10+.

Description: Expand for more detail

Requirements Not Met

Tier 4 – Boss Copycat Slime

Requirements: Be a Tier 3 Slime - Level 10, have Assimilated at least 30 different traits in total.

Description: Expand for more detail

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