Chapter 20 - Glutton for... worms?

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In this way Resh passed a few days, going in and out of the water, drinking and screaming at enemies when it could and taking down some of the very small denizens of the river bank. Those Fresh Water Mallusces were tasty and it had found some Burrower Worms that burrowed in the soil as well that were very meaty, it could use its mouth to just slurp them up and chew them down. Resh kept Photosynthesis on MP most of the time since had been using Sonic Boom quite a bit but other than that it did not need much healing, it wasn't moving around much so it could keep using Meditate for the most part and its passive healing also took care of a lot of its small scratches and injuries.

Sonic Boom has increased to Level 4!


Sonic Boom has increased to Level 9!

Strong Photosynthesis has increased to Level 14!

Meditate has increased to Level 8!

Meditate has increased to Level 9!

Just as Resh snuck up on one of the Field Groles it also got a new and interesting ability.

For sneaking up on 5 enemies you have gained the Stealth Skill Sneak Attack Level 1! Bonus Damage to enemies you sneak upon. Duration of bonus and damage bonus increases with level.

Sneak Attack has increased to Level 2!

Sneak Attack has increased to Level 3!

That wasn't the only thing that it gained from the Field Groles after it tried to Assimilate four different creatures both large and small it finally managed to assimilate successfully.

You have Assimilated 1 Field Grole and can now choose what to Assimilate from the Field Grole. Would you like to Assimilate the Ears, Paws, Nose, Mouth or Tail? If you do not choose then an option will be selected at random!

Assimilate has increased to Level 6!

Resh just chose the first option available since it did not know what was what.

You have chosen Ears. You have gained the Sense Skill Ears of the Field Grole! You are now able to hear things! Your hearing will improve with Level!

Without warning, Resh felt a buzzing, like its whole being was vibrating. Then it was hit with blinding pain that it could not think. Why did things changing always hurt so much! Then the pain died down and it relaxed a little and then when that eased up, the buzzing grew gradually louder until it was a dull roar. It was odd, this was new! These new things called Ears of the Field Grole had given it some new sensations and it could hear the faint roaring sound. As Resh got closer to the river that it had been moving in and out of it realised that the noise was coming from there. Resh used its mouth to blow out air to express its feeling of euphoria. This was amazing, hearing things for the first time! It would need to improve on its ears quickly just like it needed to get its eyes stronger so that it could experience more with them all. All these new things that it had added to itself came with some serious benefits, and the more it saw creatures the more it realised that most other creatures had these things, most had a mouth, eyes and ears as well as other things that Resh didn't know or couldn't identify. More and more Resh was excited to find out what other things it would gain from Assimilating more body parts of creatures. Compared to what it had started as this was like a forest compared to a tree!

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