Interlude IX - Haemish, First Expedition Home

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"For the Gods sake man, are you ready yet?" Haemish yelled at Taler Rant the second member of the travel party and a Junior Alchemist.

"Sir, Mr Haemish...sir. Nearly there!" Taler stammered his usual apology. Struggling with the final bulging pack on his Griffin, everyone could tell this was Taler's first trip out of the city. He was....unaccustomed to this method of travel and so they all stood around waiting for him to be done.

The third member of the crew was Rion Calder, accomplished Alchemist and bodyguard to Fenwin Zarge, a strange fellow - Haemish wasn't sure if he meant Fenwin or Rion with that thought, both, in all likelihood - who was an Element Mage, whatever that is. Rion had his signature half-moon axe in place through a leather loop on his belt where his hand rested on it. The weapon was wicked sharp and the colour of twilight. It was made from a metal known as Nightshade, extremely dense and unyielding with some...questionable properties. Rion knew his way around materials and combinations so it was likely that he had made the already deadly weapon even worse, or better I suppose... through experimentation.

Finally, Marteen McCray was both Blacksmith and Alchemist. A strange but useful combination, Marteen would be able to keep their weapons and armour in some semblance of good repair while they were on the move. He stood ramrod straight with a double-ended spear in one hand one point in the ground and the other aimed directly at the single cloud overhead. Marteen had family in Flue Village so they would be able to get some information on any interesting sightings for the foraging trip.

Haemish had purposely chosen the village near his cottage in the forest to check on how repairs were coming along. He hadn't been back since the incident months ago. It was high time he checked in. Surveying his crew; the latter two seemed quite capable. Taler though overly eager and inexperienced in the field, had a wealth of knowledge at his fingertips. All in all, Haemish was satisfied. Not that I would ever tell them. They will just end up big-headed, like a certain Medic I know... Haemish allowed himself a moment to recall their last encounter.

"So, you plan to visit your home in Pluetr Forest as well as the surrounding area, yes?" she had said, liaison between himself and the King.

"Yes, that's right, I will require appropriate funds for the journey, travel rations and such." He had replied, summarising his requirements.

"I shall arrange what you require; you needn't worry about those small details. I have also been instructed to offer you and your companions each a Griffin as well, to make your expedition faster. I will have your rations and such prepared for you as you leave. When do you plan to go?"

"Well, that is unexpected, I intended to go in a week, it was going to take as long to prepare everything. I was told that I needed to arrange everything and that it should be handled separately. Perhaps the King feels it is in his interest to expedite the process? If you are preparing everything on that end for me then three days will be enough."

"Very well, it will be done. As to the King's involvement, I cannot say, you know that. However, I will say that you are not to discuss this with anyone." She had quirked an eyebrow at him. "Remember the Kings orders Haemish. You will use Roxie, I have ridden her a few times and she is very reliable, perhaps more so than someone else I know..." Another eyebrow quirk followed by an exasperated huff. Then she had tried to seem off-handed, "we're all relying on you to find a solution for this, problem." Mentioning it as if was an afterthought, but Haemish could see that this single sentence meant more to her than everything else she had said. Marasa was urging him forward with her words, with the tiny furrowing of her delicate brow, the pursing of her full, dark lips.

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