Chapter 66 - Limbs and Things

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Even the barrier between the Resh and Aarav that protected him from memories with some haze could not shield him from the feeling of utter horror at that encounter. The feeling of complete powerlessness in the face of certain death was not something he was planning to experience ever again. The fact that there were creatures like that in this world was something that he would use to drive himself forward.

Wow, thoughts went dark there for a second, but my sponsor didn't make an appearance subconscious driving me forward again? I guess it...I would want to be motivated by something positive right?

This line of thinking made sense and once again Aarav felt the loneliness of having no one to bounce ideas off of. I will not fall down the same rabbit hole as I went through last time! He was looking forward to finding some allies at least, that way at the very least he would be able to speak to some people instead of just in his head.

He shook his pseudo-slime head to pull out of his troubling thoughts. He felt a chunk of flesh flop off his slimy body. The pigeon's heart had fallen to the tiles where the ribcage that was holding it in place had been eaten through...The gags came again and once more they were suppressed. Choking back the instinctual reaction he pointedly looked away and resolved not to look down under any circumstances. No matter what liquid squelching noises he heard.

Next were the various limbs he had acquired from doing the same disgusting thing he was doing now...absorbing the liquid and solids that made up the bodies of the creature he had killed. Hey, you've got to do what you've got to do, right? He couldn't help the queasiness and nauseous feeling that was creeping up on his from a non-existent stomach, which re-enforced that queasiness was a mental function. Damn brain, why do you always have to make everything so hard!?


X Exp per Hour






Earth and Sky Legs




Max Weight 3KG, +X% movement speed compared to normal.


A Fliers Wings




You can only fly for 3Xm each hour, consumes -0.1 Stamina per 3m of flight. Max 1KG. 1Exp per meter. 3X% faster than normal

It Started with Slime - Part 1Where stories live. Discover now