Chapter 31 - Bulking Up!

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Resh had also managed to recover the rest of its health, stamina, and mana within the first few hours. Quickly taking advantage of this it used up all its mana to fire off as many shots of Water Gun as it could. And it had become much stronger over the last few days. Even with the 50% damage reduction, Resh was now able to 1-shot the Darter Fish and some of the other small creatures that lurked under the bridge, Resh was the King of this domain. The apex predator of...something... finally! This was the dream! This is what Resh had been working towards. But it couldn't help but feel like it was still missing out as there was something great in that place with all the structures and the Humans! Resh knew that there was more than one and not only that but they had found a way to become incredibly strong. Resh needed to find that as well if it wanted to survive in this place. So many strong creatures and enemies that wanted to eat it. Resh couldn't think of a better way to survive!

Water Gun has increased to Level 8!

Water Gun has increased to Level 9!

Water Gun has increased to Level 10!

Congratulations on reaching Level 10! Your Water Magic Water Gun has improved to Water Burst range has increased from 3cm to 10cm per level. Beam angle for the Spell had increased from up to 30 deg to up to 75 deg! The cooldown for the Spell has decreased from 60sec to 30sec!

Water Gun has increased to Level 11!


Water Gun has increased to Level 14!

Resh could now hit targets that were a little way away from it. Previously it had needed to be very close to the targets otherwise the spell would fizzle out before it got to the target. The range was nothing amazing but at 1.4m that was still not on top of it and the range would get better. The spell could travel a bit. The best thing was that there was a huge reduction in the cool down, now Resh could fire off shots twice as fast. Still slow but any improvement would be appreciated by this Water Slime! The cost of each strike was becoming a little prohibitive though, 42 MP per shot was becoming a lot more than Resh could handle. Only 7 shots and then Resh was out of Mana.

During all this time Resh had also encountered numerous creatures of the shadowy domain that it had made its temporary home. Even though Resh was, quite literally, spread thin over the bottom of the river. It was still able, with its large bulk, to mobilise its numerous weapons. Identify went to work on all the enemies within the vicinity.

River Screw Level 3, River Ottre Level 5, Water Brever Level 8, Water Rat Level 2, River Crab Level 7, River Crab Level 3, Submarine Worm Level 8, Water Brever Level 12, Fanged Carp Level 18, Fresh Water Mallusces Level 2.

Underneath the bridge, in its shadows, the river teemed with life. So many creatures enjoyed living in the dark away from the sun, more so than the ones that were out in the brighter parts of the river. Resh could not fight all of the creatures that it found in that place. Some were simply too strong for it. Of the ones, it had not encountered before the River Ottre was way too strong. It was the largest creature that Resh had met apart from the Panther and Humans. Even compared to the larger Resh it was big.

Resh could not count the number of creatures it ensnared and snuck upon. With that 30% damage bonus for the first ten seconds of each fight, Resh cleaned up. When a fight inevitably ensued after the initial sneak attack, all other creatures ran from the site of the battle. Nature's law of survival of the fittest. When a larger and stronger predator passed by, Resh would maintain perfect stillness, and Strong Camouflage and Strong Odour Alteration did their work.

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