Interlude XXVIII - Marasa, Family

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A bonus chapter for the new review, it was a good one this time! Yayy! Thanks for the review !


Marasa walked out of the room and down the hall, those last words fading from her mind as she refocused on what she needed to do next. Mentally she worked down the list. The conversation had been a delightful distraction for a while, but she had things to do.

Right, I need to make sure all the beds are cleaned and prepped for tomorrow. Marasa raised a finger for the first task marking it off. Then I need to address the team to ensure the roster is appropriately in hand for the next few weeks. Marian is very professional, so I doubt there will be a problem. She also has more experience than me. But her whole team had more experience than her, so that wasn't saying much. She raised a second finger nonetheless. Somehow she had been thrust into this position, and for some unfathomable reason, they listened to her. She had expected to be ousted the moment she started, but it hadn't happened yet, and she had work to do. There is no point in worrying about something that may or may not occur in the future.

Then once I have done that, I need to spend five minutes with each of the individual Healers and see what is happening with them. I didn't get a chance earlier, thanks to Haemish and his little friend. Marasa smiled at the thought. It was nice to take a few minutes with those two. I can't believe I let Haemish pull me away; he has a natural way with words. Also, he wasn't wrong that Re-Aarav, I keep doing that, is a fascinating creature. Able to speak Darfan almost as well as most citizens, like he was born to it.

It wasn't Haemish's words that had convinced her, though. She knew it was his genuine nature and utter fascination with the world despite being in it for so many centuries. How does he maintain that child-like curiosity through the years? Surely most people that old would grow tired and bored with the world. But she had seen it and been drawn in like a moth to the flame.

After I check with all the Healers, I will need to think about what new project or technique I want to teach. I need to find a new process first, though. Perhaps Haemish would allow me to analyse Aarav. He got the name right this time. He would be a fascinating specimen to work on with the rest of the team. Of course, I will need to ask Aarav if we can study him. But it is all for the advancement of medical technology, after all! She raised a third finger and, unbeknownst, had started muttering under her breath.

Then I can go home and find out what Haren has been doing since his rejection. She scowled a little, and by coincidence, a palace servant who was walking past caught the brunt of it. He paled a little and bowed to her, waited for a split second just in case she had any instructions and then rushed down the corridor away from her. Why can't things just be smooth sailing? But Marasa knew that working in the face of adversity was what made life exciting. Not only that, but misfortune gave the best growth. Just look at Resh. Oh, I did it again. Aarav, it is Aarav. Haemish had introduced her today, and he gave both names, but somehow the first one stuck much more strongly than the second. Oh well, it wasn't worth the worry; both were his anyway.

Marasa continued walking at a speed that would be a jog for most citizens. Her stamina and speed had improved gradually over the years of doing this job. Many of the Healers under her tutelage had done the same. Unsurprising with the amount of running around they did. The Head Healer revelled at the Speed she could achieve now; a value of 154 was impressive by anyone's standards.

Five minutes and she was back at the clinic, considerably less time than when she had strolled the other way with Haemish. She immediately began making a cursory inspection of the beds and stands to ensure everything was in its place. "I have inspected everything, Head Healer. All is in its place." An aged female voice came from the far side of the room, grabbing Marasa's attention.

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