Chapter 28 - Healer's Paradise

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First things first, I need to get my Health up, Resh thought.

Not moving and with Meditation and Natural Plant Healing active, Resh was able to get its HP Regen up to over 32 HP/hour. It would have to sit still until it got at least half its health back. Otherwise, it was playing with dangerous elements trying to not get killed by some of the larger predators in the water. The significant boost that Resh had received from gaining a brain was also nothing to sneeze at, it was just a measure of how much had happened that the Water Slime was only getting round to checking this now.

Resh would need to test out its new capabilities once it had recovered some. The recent transformation had been the most draining so far, not only health but stamina and mana had also been bottomed out with this. Without Natural Plant Healing, if Resh stayed still and just used Meditate its health and mana would take over 2 days to heal while stamina was faster taking only one day. Resh would need to see if there was something it could do about that as well. It would need to wait until later though. Also, Resh had not considered its natural healing in its calculations so it would take less than that.

If Resh wanted to be efficient and recover everything as quickly as possible it needed to divide Natural Plant Healing between Mana and Health. Health first though. That was more important, Resh didn't plan on slinging spells anytime least not until its Health was up!

A day later Resh was in much better shape. It had recovered a lot and not only that but with its stats having been boosted it had also gained a lot of HP, MP and SP as well. Brain function wasn't bad either. The rest had done a lot of good and since it could Meditate and use Natural Plant Healing while asleep as well it did not have to be partially awake.

You have just received +0.1 Luck!

Natural Plant Healing has increased to Level 15!

Ears of the Field Grole has increased to Level 6!

Nose of the Darter Fish has increased to Level 2!

Fins of the Darter Fish has increased to Level 2!

Legs of the Squitter has increased to Level 14!

Strong Camouflage has increased to Level 14!

Lots of skills levelling were what Resh liked to see! Even though things were not moving quickly Resh had just got a massive boost in Magical damage as well as its physical ability to survive. It was now time for Resh to test out its new abilities.

First, it started with the Darter Fish that were all over its body. Resh had made itself smell like Fresh Grass to attract the fish before it went to sleep and so they had been nibbling away, part of the reason it was still not at its maximum health despite many hours of healing. As it had done before Resh sealed the fish to itself and started hammering away with both Magic and Melee attacks. Water Gun played a role even with a 50% damage reduction. But the heavy hitters were Slime Club and Slightly Poisonous Crushing Jaws, the poison damage from the second one was fun, even if it was pretty low, it was still something! 1% was nothing to sneeze at, over 10 sec that was still 10% of damage. The only thing was that Resh did not manage to poison the fish with every single bite, sometimes it would not work but it worked often enough! Resh wanted all of its abilities to poison enemies, without having to attack it could still take off health! That was great as far as Resh was concerned.

Resh was a little disappointed that it could not poison the same fish for double poison damage but once poisoned the fish did not seems to get poisoned again, it just reset the time each time it was successfully poisoned. Resh still wasn't complaining! This was awesome!

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