Chapter 60 - How a Slime got its Wings

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Projectiles that made up his ranged attacks lost him volume so he couldn't afford to do it much, but situation was serious enough to warrant the effort. Relative to his strength this was a pretty powerful enemy, something that he should be taking on one-on-one, instead of a family.

Right not he had no choice though, if he wanted stronger wings or even a chance at stronger wings, then these were the only fliers he had seen in a few months. Stealth was his friend; it would keep him concealed and now was not a time to hold back. The bar that indicated the Pigeon's health was down by half so it seemed the damage bonuses were doing well for him. Next up was melee fighting, the water puddle on the roof moved and crept closer to the bedraggled prey. Intent on the single enemy, the other four continued to watch confused from their perch, the baby on the back of the Adult Male. I'm coming for you next! Aarav thought then focused back on the Female. The bird staggered a little but regained its focus as the puddle approached, it had its suspicions. Something that moved like a predator and acted like a predator was probably a predator. The bird reacted as if to danger. Backing away and attempting to make a break for it and take to the air. The others were out of the predator's range and so there was no reason to stay and be attacked.

Aarav was too quick. Leaping to intercept Slime Club, Poisonous Jaws, Dual Wormtail's Stab and Tail Pole Smash rained down on this target, smashing it back down onto the roof with a thud that must have been audible inside the building. The slime was too focused on the fight to pay further mind to anything that might be happening down below. With Sneak bonus damage still active the first wave of attacks took another 25% of the bird's health leaving it battered and gasping. Aarav was not ready to let up. This was why he had reserved his stamina and what he had been working towards. Landing on top of the bird, he slammed its head back down on the tiles and then walloping it again with his assortment of melee weapons. The fight was coming to a close and just then as he was about to finish off this pigeon's last bit of health the second adult came flying down to peck at Aarav.

So far he had managed to avoid any injury, a claim he could no longer make as the talons of the Male Adult slammed into and through him to carve out a foot sized hold in his slime body. His body reformed around the hole and sealed it quickly but the damage had been done. A small amount of very dense slime clung to the pigeon's foot. The other lay dying. There was no need to finish it off at the moment. The larger threat loomed. It was not as dangerous as the first but the element of surprise had now been lost.

Readying his weapons, in his mind's eye, the pigeon was dragging its feet over the tiles like a bull before the matador's cape, waiting to charge. Aarav could have sworn his saw eyes narrow and beak snap. Shaking off roadrunner images he readied himself and aimed melee weapons point first at the bird that was going to attack at any moment. The male instead of charging took a defensive stance to protect his mate. Perhaps I shouldn't be surprised? Who knew how stats affected animal intellect... Aarav was not about to let these animals get away from him. He needed those wings, eyeing them hungrily the slime charged. Melee weapons met with talons and beak, attacks were exchanged at a furious pace and the heads of the young birds overhead bobbed between the two combatants. Aarav could get in three or four rounds before the scratching and biting forced him back.

It was hard to say who got the better of that round but the slime very obviously had the upper hand in terms of sheer durability. More health and strong weapons meant that he was a shoo-in, certainly a crowd favourite to win anyway. The sneak bonus was just about to run out but this was enough to bring the second adult to 50% and looking very much the worse for wear. With a dying partner and his health dropping precipitously he made his final stand. Aarav had to admire the tenacity of the creature. Normally the rest would have flown away to preserve the family. Not these though, it was a shame that he needed what they had. He could respect an adversary like this one. Then he thought again, it's a's a goddamn bird. Why am I getting sentimental about this? It is probably just instinct to protect the family. He had never had a family to protect, so he couldn't relate.

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