Chapter 104 - Limbs

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Your Skill Greater Consume has increased to Level 36!


Your Skill Greater Consume has increased to Level 40!

You have Assimilated 1 Human Leg (Skeleton Only, Right) and improved the ability Leg of Bone Level 1. Congratulations! Your back right Earth and Sky Leg has morphed into a Legs of Bone! Dexterity and strength of leg and foot will improve with Level. By acquiring a second Leg Appendage, you have gained the +1000 Exp for Legs of Bone and +1000 Exp for Bone Kick! Without muscle, you can control your leg with Mana @ 0.2MP per minute!

You have lost your Limb Skill Earth and Sky Legs. Experience has been redistributed between Arms of Bone and Legs of Bone!

Your Skill Arms of Bone has increased to Level 10!

Congratulations on reaching Level 10! Your Skill Arms of Bone has improved to Strong Arms of Bone! Your lifting capacity increases from 0.1 kg per level to 0.2 kg per level. Your bone density is now reflective of your body density and will make your bones less brittle and your attacks more effective.

Your Skill Legs of Bone has increased to Level 10!

Congratulations on reaching Level 10! Your Skill Legs of Bone has improved to Strong Legs of Bone! Your Stamina cost for walking is reduced from 0.3 SP per metre to 0.2 SP per metre. Your bone density is now reflective of your body density and will make your bones less brittle and your attacks more effective.

Your Skill Arms of Bone has increased to Level 17!

Your Skill Legs of Bone has increased to Level 17!

Woah! Having legs and arms is fantastic! I thought it would be good, but this is better than I thought possible. I didn't lose any of the experience gained. Only one caveat; I still need Stamina to walk, though. That isn't very pleasant. Maybe that will change once I have the whole skeleton? Aarav doubted it. In this world, there was always a cost associated with anything good.

All told, it had taken about eight hours this time, and he was ecstatic for the gains. Aarav had spent a few minutes of the last few hours in solitary doing the Language Learning routine and otherwise spent his time in Zen Meditation. Only one day left until his regeneration levels returned to normal, exciting.

"Time to test me out!" with that, Aarav manifested both arms and legs. He settled with putting his core at the top of all four limbs so that his legs and arm came out from the bottom, legs touching the floor and arms out to the sides. No torso, so his head was doing the job of both.

With Level 17 limbs now, he no longer needed slime to reinforce the bones. The limbs taking on the same Density as his Slime was also a considerable advantage. So he stood, legs shaky and unstable but nothing near what he had to deal with last time. He looked like a Mankey, the Pokémon with only a head, arms and legs. If Mankey didn't have a tail and its head were covered in golden brown skin instead of fur while its arms limbs were only bones.

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