Chapter 2 - First Evolution

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As soon as the Micro Slime received that message, the Flies that had been on the rest of the dung heap and stopped trying to avoid it. It now smelled like everything else around it, effectively, "blending in." Flies that had not been close enough before began settling and touching it as well. It was not long before.

You have Absorbed 9 Flies!

Assimilation failed!


Assimilation failed!

You have Digested 9 Flies! You have gained 0.9 Exp for killing 9 Flies. Your Weight has increase to 58.233g; your Volume has increased to 29.117cm3.

YOU HAVE REACHED Micro Slime Level 2! CONGRATULATIONS! +1 Endurance, +1 Speed, +1 Vitality

The Flies did not add much to it in terms of weight or volume, but it did feel that satisfaction again. It had definitely been a good idea for it to take on the Odour thing. It was very helpful and useful, and the Micro Slime was enjoying the Flies immensely. It did not stop it from continuing to take in the manure though. That was still warm, so it just sat there. Its Health and Stamina regenerated, and it had no reason to leave. Why should it? Everything it needed was right here!

It flattened itself over the surface so that more of the flies buzzing around would land on it instead of the Dung Heap. At the same time, it continued to absorb and digest the dung to continue to grow and feed.

You have Absorbed 20 Flies!

Assimilation failed!


Assimilation failed!

You have Digested 20 Flies! You have gained 2 Exp for killing 20 Flies. Your Weight has increase to 58.473g; your Volume has increased to 29.237cm3.

YOU HAVE REACHED Micro Slime Level 3! CONGRATULATIONS! +1 Strength, +1 Endurance, +1 Perception

It was really starting to notice a difference in its movements and in its ability to feel its body. It was able to move more easily as well. It was able to feel more of the area around it, and it was able to do so much more than just a day ago. It had grown so much in that time and gained a lot of weight. During its time absorbing all the flies, it had also continued to absorb more and more of the manure as well.

You have Absorbed 5.76g of Manure!

You have Digested 5.76g of Manure! Your Weight has increase to 64.233g. Your Volume has increased to 32.117cm3.

The manure was starting to run out and the Micro Slime was not particularly happy about that. It needed to look for another source of food. It stopped both Absorb and Digest. Photosynthesis was still active and it had managed to gain 0.6g through that skill. In addition it still had a lot of Flies hovering above its body and frequently a fly would land and get Absorbed.

You have Absorbed 30 Flies!

Assimilation failed!


Assimilation failed!

You have Assimilated 1 Fly and can now choose what to Assimilate from the Fly. Would you like to Assimilate the Wings, Eyes, Legs or Feelers? If you do not choose then an option will be selected at random!

It Started with Slime - Part 1Where stories live. Discover now