Interlude XXXVIII - 6 - Haemish / Boren, How to Save a Life

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Haemish allowed his mind to slowly come back to the present where Marasa stood in front of him, slightly dishevelled from sleep. "Yes, I have thought of one thing, or rather I should say Boren thought of it and then had to head off to his training or something." Haemish's face must have given away more than he intended because Marasa looked worried.

"Lori and Baldwin?" She asked. Haemish nodded, and her frown deepened, as did the creases in her forehead. "They have been pushing him hard, but he is not disappointed with the results. Perhaps it is for the best?" She didn't seem convinced, but there was nothing more than Haemish could say that would bring comfort. Instead, he moved the topic back to the patient they might be able to help.

"So, I have brought a few things back at Boren's suggestion. Thought it was worth a try. What do you think?" Haemish held out the various vials and dishes to Marasa. They had to dump their contents into the bucket and see what happened. Still, it was best to make sure they were unanimous in their decision.

"I don't suppose there is anything else we can try with them. Let's go for it!" Marasa confirmed after a couple of seconds. She didn't need to think about it much, considering the alternative. "It can't hurt any more than what is happening now."

Marasa had cleaned up from her rest five minutes later, looking annoyed. Haemish didn't understand but didn't feel like asking about it. The most important thing left to do was this; add all of the vials and fluids he and Boren had been working on throughout the day. Had it only been yesterday? It felt like a lifetime ago. Indeed this whole process had been grating on him.

"I do not know you go through this each time you have another patient. It is a whirlwind of emotions and exhaustion. Mostly exhaustion, and I do not think I have even been so tired mentally." Haemish admitted and turned to Marasa, who seemed surprised at his admission.

"I have gotten used to it, I think. You never stop feeling it; you just stop allowing it to affect you as much, I suppose. Though with Aarav, it has been difficult to block it out when the Prince is involved. But then, Boren, it has always made it hard for me to separate my personal and professional sides." Marasa gave Haemish a tired smile and then let out a small laugh.

"Right you are. That boy does have a way to warm one up. This one is not half bad at it either!" Haemish said, pointing to the bucket. Shall we?" Haemish said, and then both unconsciously held their breaths as Haemish poured he carried into the bucket on top of Aarav's form. At that moment, Haemish couldn't help but feel he had poured all his hopes and wishes into the bucket with the vials. For a second, nothing happened. Then with a hiss and pop, the liquids seemed to drain into Aarav, bolstering his volume a little and then stabilizing.

Then, nothing. Absolutely nothing, zero. Nothing changed; Aarav did not magically appear healed or return to the Slime's original state in front of them. Haemish and Marasa both let out the breath they had been holding and visibly seemed to deflate; this had been the last chance to save the Slime from whatever was happening.

"Ahh, did you manage to come up with anything else while you slept?" Haemish asked, a little hope colouring his words. "That was my last idea; I have nothing left." The defeat was evident, but he still looked at Marasa, hoping against all odds that something had occurred to the woman.

"Sorry, Haemish, I really tried, but this one has me stumped completely. None of my usually helpful abilities is working on Aarav. I...I'm at a loss." Marasa whispered.

The reverent silence stretched between them, neither wanting to be the first to speak. Haemish could only assume that what was going on in her head was similar to his own. The worry and fear plagued him and what would happen with Boren when he found out that they could not save Aarav.

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