Interlude VIII - Boren, the First Plateau

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A week after his conversation with his father, Boren sat in his plain walled room. Legs crossed in the lotus position, sat on his bed, trying to remember the conversation he had subsequently had with Fenwin. Furrowing his brow in concentration, lines etched in his young, thin forehead, tight dark lips pursed and focused on the exact words that the old codger had spoken. They were each punctuated by raps with his gnarled cane on the dull creaky wood of those dusty rooms he called home. That old coot doesn't need the cane he keeps waving about. I have never seen him without it but I am sure he uses it to hit people more than for walking or support.

As soon Boren left his father's presence he had rushed straight to Fenwin. He needed some answers and with bright eyes and a big smile, he had run as fast as his little frail legs could carry him to get those highly sought answers. Something in what his father had said had triggered the understanding that Boren now enjoyed.

Boren ran down the hallways of the palace and through the archway that separated the main building from the academy where Fenwin had his rooms. I need to ask Master Fenwin what he knows about this. Boren thought as flew through the intervening space on his spindly legs and started to climb the staircase leading to the highest tower. Why does this golden oldie have to live in a place with so many stairs! Boren knew that Fenwin never actually climbed the stairs he had some type of Air Magic that basically let him float all the way up with minimal effort, costing a little Mana but nothing else. For mere mortals like Boren, the trudge was disheartening at best.

After an hour of panting and frequent breaks where Boren fragile body showed its limits several times, Boren arrived at the oaken double doors of Fenwins study. Even in Boren's fatigued state, he found himself marvelling at the intricate woodwork and depiction on the door.

The door was split into four quadrants two to a door, dividing each exactly across the middle. On the top half of the left door was Fenrir the legendary She-wolf. On the other side mirroring it was Phoinix another huge bird with flames that wreathed His powerful body and seemed alive in the depiction that was lovingly carved on the door. There even seemed to be some subtle scorch marks on it as well, as though just the carving of Phoinix was enough to burn the door. On the bottom half of the doors were two more carvings of animals. Under Roc in counterpoint was Ukupanipo a shark, His black eyes shone with an aggressive light, white skin contrasted sharply and His gleaming white teeth were prominently displayed. In the fourth and final quadrant was the majestic Ursa standing upright on Her hind legs, wisdom in Her blind eyes and a serious expression on Her face. All of these domineering creatures seemed to stare down at Boren, silently judging him as he fought to catch his breath, and not just from the climb.

Taking another steadying breath in the vain hope that it would settle his nerves Boren knocked exactly in the middle of the shark and bear, not daring to touch any of those hallowed etchings. The sound echoed into the inside of the room beyond, the hollow sound simultaneously foreboding and reverent. The Prince held his breath in awe and fear, not daring to make any further sound. He had heard a rumour that this door judged people that it did not deem worthy and he was not about to tempt fate. The last time had been the same and the time before that as well. This door was just one of those things that were hard to get used to.

"ENTER!" a deep and heavy voice echoed from inside and the doors slid open in opposite directions disappearing into the walls to either side, a niche was made to swallow them seamlessly and utterly silent. Beyond the large door stood a powerfully built man, his dark skin glistened with sweat and his brow was furrowed a little as he squinted out at who had entered his domain.

"I am here for Master Fenwin?" Boren's voice shrank to a whisper at that last and he looked down at the big man's feet. "I had a question...." Boren trailed off before remembering that he was a Prince. He needed to start acting like it. Steeling his nerves he strode purposefully forward hiding the tremor in his legs from the climb. Not from this man in front of me, why does Fenwin insist on having Rion here? Scary guy, I know he won't hurt me but it is a lot to take in.

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