Chapter 14

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Scarlett's POV

Its been about an hour and I hear the door opening. I was currently stirring soup and adding in chicken pieces that I shred it into earlier. I know both of us ate lunch quite late so that was technically our dinner but I was quite hungry after I puked so, I thought of cooking food for myself but added a bit more ingredients in case Asher was hungry.

I turn around to see him put loafs of bread on the table which smelled supper fresh. Our eyes meet and he doesn't say anything. We stared at each other for about 3 seconds before he makes his way up to his room. In a way, it kinda hurt me that we still have not really had a proper conversation. I sighed and take the pot off the stove, and made my way up to his room.

I knocked on his door and surprisingly he reply's "come in"

I open the door slowly to see him sitting on the side of his bed, reading a book. "Uh hey, are you hungry?"

"No" he says and bites his lip. "Uh-" he says quickly catching my attention.


"Thank you for cooking" he says without looking at me. The tension in my chest was flown away and a smile makes its way in my lips. He acknowledged!

"No problem! I hope it tastes good?" I ask

"Yea it did" he says still not looking at me.

"Uh that's great to hear!" I say happily. He looked really tense while reading his book and there was an awkward silence.

Knowing that I shouldn't disturb him. I took my leave. "Um I'm just gonna go" I laugh awkwardly and turn my body.

The door slams and I feel his chest on my back. I quickly turn around and our faces were so close. I immediately blushed to the fact that I have never been this close to anyone. My heart starts to beat faster and I have no idea what to do. He has blocked every way I could escape. Both his hands were closing me in.

"A-Asher?" I stutter unknowingly. He doesn't say anything and leans in nearer. I tried my best not to panic and not look him in the eyes.

"Hey" I feel his breath on my skin, making me shiver. "You look pale" he frowns.

"Uh- um what?" I blurted. I don't think heard him clearly because my brains wasn't working the way I want it too. His too close!

"You look pale" he repeats.

"P-pale?" I push his chest gently so that he would move further away.

"Why are you stuttering?" He asks confuse.

"H-Huh? I'm not!" I say like I was offended.I just didn't want to admit that I was.

"Did you get my sickness?" He leans closer to me again and puts his hand on my forehead. I just froze when he looks at me intencely.

"Of course not I'm fine" I say and he takes his hand off my forehead.

"Oh, no fever" he says

"See? I'm fine" I smile

"Hmm but you look really pale. You should sleep early tonight" he says and opens the door, making me stumble back as I was leaning on it.

"Night" he says with no reaction and closes the door before I could even say it back to him.

"Goodnight" I say even though he might not what it. I make my way downstairs to help myself with the food I made and for some reason my face won't stop heating up. That was the scariest thing that happened in my life and I have never felt this before. This feeling? What is it?

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