Chapter 25

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The rules were simple. Princesses stay indoors while princes get to play in the field. We couldn't speak first but they could. I only could have done a few things a prince could because of my grandmother. She was my mother's mother and yes they are very different.

I don't know how my grandmother raises my mother but my mother is definitely never listening to my grandmother. I would hear them fighting in the big living room and always fighting over me. I never once let my mother win and stayed on my grandmother side. Little did I know, she was quite old and passed away peacefully.

Exactly on that day, I remember my mother not crying at all. My father on the other hand looked quite sad but his lips turned into a smile as soon as we were home.

The day after that, I was immediately scolded for running outside the garden and this happened the day after and another. I got smacked on my hands and even my face by my father. My mother would just stand there and look at me.


"What did I tell you about speaking!?" Father shouts

"You should be keeping your mouth shut!" He screams in my face. I winced and close my eyes waiting for him to hit me.


Tears roll down my eyes as I stand there.

"You do not speak at the dinner table unless I allow you too! Is that understood?" He asks angrily.

I did not dared to look at him and replied while looking down. "Yes father" I bite my lip to prevent myself from sobbing.

"Good. Now go" he says and turns around. I slowly look up and my eyes catches my mother standing at the door with her hands crossed. She was thinking for a moment before she meets my eyes. Her face expression changes and she walks away.


Everyday I tried to behave but I just couldn't help myself but to feel jealous. Jealous that boys can go out and play but girls can't. I was so focused on the outside world, I was so done with staying in the castle and I am glad I left because, if I did not, I wouldn't have known the horrors of this world.

I always thought outside was just rainbows but it slowly showed it's true colors. The outside is just like the inside of my home. Everything can seem perfect but in reality, it isn't.

I don't know why but I feel like I need to do something about it. I know it is late of me to even think of it now and I regret it. So many people suffered because of what my parents did. As a princess, we cannot speak but I think I can change that.

I want to change it, I have to change it. It just doesn't seem right that boys can do everything.


"Oh? Uh come in" I snap my head to the door.

"Dinner time" Theo says

"Oh okay" I get up from the bed and we walk down together to the dining room.

"Is something on your mind?" Theo asks as we sit down at the table.

"Oh, do I look like I'm thinking too hard?" I laugh sheepishly.

"Yeah a little too hard" Theo raises his eyebrows.

"Honestly, it's nothing, I'm just thinking about some stuff." I shrug and out the food in my mouth.

"I see" he says and proceeds to chew on his food.

" hey, Theo " I say catching his attention. "This is weird question but have you been in love before?"

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