In some ways

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I'm bacckkkkkkk~~ you miss me?

Here's an incoherent mess of 1300 words.

Tw: blood, gore, violence, death, mature themes.

Just to be clear: Ex is evil Xisuma, but I call him Ex because having a brother named 'evil' (brothers name) wouldn't fit the story.

Songfic for Aphelios, the weapon of the faithful

Awake to my voice

Ex was bitter. Spiteful. It was in his nature.

He shuddered against the cold that frosted his cheeks- he shouldn't be here. He much preferred warmth to cold, hell over winter, but he was safe up here, far from civilization, in this snowy tundra. That's all that mattered. He'd be home soon enough.

And hear her call within

The thin walls of his tent did nothing to stop the wind from penetrating his jacket, but Ex persisted, shuddering and his gloved fingers barely moved the pages of his book.

He shouldn't be doing this. He knew what would happen.

And yet.

Embrace the fear inside

The next days sun would be short, Ex knew that, he'd have to move quickly, while the air was warm enough to breathe. He had enough food, water, and other essentials, but there was something else he needed.

Not much lived in such a frosty climate, but as early spring thawed the thinnest ice, a few rabbits poked their heads from underneath the snow.

Ex's magic snared the first one he saw, and he was able to cage it before he was crippled by exhaustion. All of his energy had been spent on one simple spell- was he really that weak?

Surrender your mind to night again

Ex got a good nights rest. If one small spell took that much out of him, this would surely kill him should he fail.

He folded his legs together, and took a deep, resting breath. He centered himself.

He promised he'd never do this again.

So he tucked what he needed far, far away, where he'd only be able to reach if he was desperate.

And now. He was desperate.

He placed the rabbit and his book in front of him, it was now or never.

Close your eyes

His eyes slid closed, yet he still could see. He still could feel. His folded legs lifted from the ground, and the rabbit lifted with him. The pages of his book frantically turned and turned until they ripped from the spine, becoming a crumbled mess that fell to flames.

The rabbit met a worse fate than even the book.

It's legs were ripped from its body, and it's blood was drained from its flesh, congealing into a ball that mixed with the embers of Ex's book.

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