The ever fearless Doc

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Requested by fandomsunite05!

Yeah I know this is a season 7 book but this was just such a great prompt.

Area 77 fic in which Doc is afraid of Jellie because creeper brain.

"Oh come on you stupid- ugh!" Doc kicked an observer over, swiping his hands across a line of redstone dust in frustration.

No matter how many times he tweaked it, the stupid machine wouldn't work.
Starting from scratch would be faster.

He sat down on a lab stool, clutching his head, messy strands of black hair crawling through his fingers.

He needed a break.

He ruffled up his hair after a few minutes of self pity, standing so he could leave the facility.

He almost made it to the bubble-vator that would have brought him to the surface when he heard it.

A meow.

A small and tired sound escaping the lips of Jellie, area 77's resident cat.

Doc nearly jumped out of his skin, the creeper brain inside him telling him to get the fuck out of there.

Usually Doc would have been able to shut the impulse down with his robot brain and human DNA, but now he was stressed and emotionally all over the place.

The only part of him working properly was that little bit of creeper brain telling him to be scared of cats.

To be very scared.

He ducked under a nearby table, curling up into a ball so his large figure could fit under the table.

The meows got closer and Doc braced himself, pulling his lab coat tighter around his figure.

The small gray and white kitten rounded a corner, looking around as it walked.

Doc let out a hiss of fear, jagged metallic teeth sticking out like he was a vampire. He inched back into a wall as Jellie stalked closer.

The cat had no idea what was going on and so walked over to Doc curiously, poking her head too close for Doc's comfort.

Doc let out a yelp, kicking wildly and trying to back further into the wall behind him. Like a six year old that had been told it was time to sleep.

Jellie seemed a bit put off by this, meowing in anger and talking a few steps back.

She hissed back at Doc, who was now even more afraid of the terrifying little feline with a horrible roar.

"Get away get away get away getawaygetawaygetaway!" His words slurred together, limbs lashing out in blind fear.

Jellie was now backed off to a safe distance, turning her head to the side slightly in confusion.

Why was this green human trying to attack her?

Jellie meowed in a characteristically apathetic way, causing Doc to freak out more.

From an outside perspective it just looked like a fully grown man either having a seizure or a temper tantrum, it was hard to tell.

That exactly what Scar thought.

"Jellie where ar- oh."

Sca- excuse me- captain angry eyes, walked into the room in search of his cat, but found something way better.

He quickly ran forward and scooped up his cat, calling out to Doc with amused grin.

"Are.. are you scared of cats?" He asked, nearly exploding with giggles.

"Oh fuck off and just get that.. monster away from me!" Doc growled angrily, sinking as far under the table as he possibly could.

"Don't worry, Jellie won't hurt you," Scar assured, "I have her." The scarred man cradled Jellie like she was a baby.

Doc hissed a bit before forcing himself to relax, doing his best to turn off his creeper brain.

He slowly crawled out from under the table, brushing himself up.

"Sorry, creeper brain." Doc muttered. "All of my projects are on hold until I figure out this whole.. thing."

The creeper hybrid started to walk towards the bubble column that would get him away from that disgusting cat.

Scar took a few running steps to catch up before falling into step next to Doc.

"Wait- so let me get this straight, you're afraid of cats?" Scar pestered, getting a lot of prank ideas.

"Not a word to the other hermits, or you'll need a new cat." Doc threatened, hissing menacingly before going up the bubble-vator.

Scar followed.

"Hey! If I find out you hurt Jellie I will expose your project plans!" Scar yelled, holding his cat close to his chest.

"I'm never hearing the end of this, am I?" Doc asked, sighing the loudest possible sigh.

"Nope!" Scar giggled.

Yeah so what if I have a soft spot for soft doc?

This is short. I know.

This is a brilliant idea and I will now absolutely 100% headcannon that doc is afraid of cats (except when I make him a zombie for convenience reasons).

Uhh not much to say here.


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