One, Two, Three, Four Taps

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Ugh this one is really janky, not proud of this one :/

Tw for nightmares and fear and stuff.


Just some Betho fluff.

Etho has a hard time, well, talking, beef helps.

Etho was never very forward with his feelings.

He always got embarrassed or uncomfortable with the slightest hint of PDA, and even in private he was quite reserved.

Beef had long suspected that Etho's shyness stemmed from some sort of developmental issue, Autism being the main suspect.

Whatever the case was, the butcher wasn't going to pry.

They had been dating quietly since the start of season seven, and since then had started sleeping in the same bed- per Beef's suggestion.

That's when Beef noticed some of Etho's more worrying behavior.

Sometimes, Etho would stutter awake at odd hours of the night, tears collected on his lashes. He was quite.. well.. quiet, and the first few times, he was able to fall back asleep without waking Beef.

One time, however, Etho had a particularly nasty nightmare, and unable to contain his sobs, woke Beef.

Luckily, the other man was very understanding.

He didn't touch Etho, knowing that triggered the other, just talked it out with the masked man, and gradually they got closer.

Ever sense, Etho would wake Beef whenever he had a nightmare, and no matter how many times he did, Beef never got upset or angry.

In fact, no matter what happened, Beef was always incredibly patient with Etho.

They even came up with a little code:
One tap, yes
Two taps, no
Three taps, don't want to say/don't know.

The redstoner couldn't have asked for more.

Even if sometimes he felt like a burden, Beef was always quick to reassure him.

It felt good having someone to lean on, though you'd be hard pressed to find them being any level of affectionate.

Beef would constantly reassure Etho that he didn't mind, that no amount of affection could make up for Etho's discomfort.

It gave Etho a warm, fuzzy feeling- knowing he was appreciated.

He wouldn't trade Beef for the world.

"N- N.. St- Sto.."

Fear rushed through his veins, inky black pooling around him.

It was just Etho and a blank slate, a white blob with a needle.

Etho could still feel the searing pain as the metal point reached forward, squelching against his eye as he was powerless to stop it.

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