Movie Night

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Requested by poke_wolf:

There's a horror movie on and Tango gets scared, X comforts him.

"We're out of popcorn again!" Someone called out, to which Xisuma grumbled.

"The movies hardly started!" He quipped, "we haven't even got to the good parts!"

"I'll get more popcorn!" Tango quickly called out, jumping up and collecting both of the popcorn bowls. He seemed in a hurry to leave, making his way to the kitchen.

Xisuma furrowed his brow slightly, a bit worried about Tango. He knew Tango didn't do so well with horror movies, and the entire time he had been squirming around, checking his phone, flinching at even the slightest of scares.

Xisuma quietly got up, leaving the main living room and following Tango.

"Hey, Tango?" Xisuma walked into the kitchen. It was his house, and he had to fight the instinct to open his fridge every time he walk inside the kitchen.

Tango was pouring one of the bags of popcorn into one of the bowls, and he was still a bit on edge. Tango nearly jumped out of his skin, "Ah!" He let out a small squeal, stumbling into a counter and knocking over the bowl of popcorn he'd been making.

Half of the popcorn then spilled into the sink, and another third on the floor.

"No!" Tango sighed, "I'm sorry, X. I'm just a bit jumpy." He put the bowl upright and started searching for a broom.

"Don't sweat it," Xisuma hummed, going into the closet and fetching the broom and dustpan.

He tossed them to Tango, who started cleaning up the popcorn.

"I know you don't like horror movies, so I just came to check up on you. You seem to be handling it well." Xisuma said sarcastically as he shuffled over and started pouring the second bag of popcorn.

"Oh shush.." Tango murmured as he fumbled with the broom.

"I'm only kidding," X said. His accent cut the G's off his words, and Tango found it relaxing.

When Xisuma finished pouring the first bowl of popcorn Tango had finished cleaning up.

"You can go back to the living room if you want," Xisuma said as he started to microwave another thing of popcorn. "Take this with y-"

"I'd actually like to stay.. if that's ok.." Tango murmured in a low voice.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" Xisuma teased, putting a hand to his ear.

"Oh you know what I said," Tango huffed, crossing his arms over his chest.

Xisuma chuckled and brushed his hand through Tango's hair. "Only teasing~"

Tango blushed slightly and rolled his eyes, looking away.

Xisuma started to hum some song, tending to the popcorn that was just starting to finish up in the microwave.

(Ok wait A/N but can I just- on screen X is like this sweet wholesome british dude with a sweet accent that derps up a lot, but in actuality he's like a 7' buff  metalhead, look at his Xisumatwo music videos lol. But I digress)

He poured the popcorn into the second bowl and grabbed both, "I'll be back. There's some tea and hot cocoa in the cupboard, put a kettle on if you fancy."

Xisuma walked back into the living room  and put the popcorn on the table, spending a minute making up reasons why he wasn't staying and watching the movie.

He slipped back into the kitchen and found Tango watching a tea pot on the stove.

Xisuma smiled a bit and opened up a cabinet. He grabbed two mugs, one with turtles painted on and one with bees painted on.

"Which one do you want?" He asked, "oh and what flavor tea?" He followed up, opening another cabinet.

He had a few cardboard containers of tea, ranging from various fruity flavors to various spice blend flavors.

Tango picked the mug with the turtles on it, "what tea do you recommend?"

"Pomegranate raspberry is sweeter, if you'd like." Xisuma suggested, taking a lemon ginger.

"Yeah, I'll have that then." Tango nodded.

Xisuma smiled a bit to himself, he thought tango would be the kind of person who would like sweet stuff. Turns out he was right.

He put the tea bag into the mug and looked out the window, humming the same song as before.

"Thanks." Tango blurted, "I'm sorry I know I'm easily scared." Anxious thoughts ran through his head.

Why'd he have to be such a whimp? Now he was ruining Xisuma's evening-

"Don't worry about it," Xisuma chuckled a bit, ruffling Tango's hair a bit.

Tango's cheeks turned a slight bit red, "o-oh, ok." He liked when Xisuma ruffled his hair.

Tango anxiously tapped his fingers against the table, checking his phone even though there were no new notifications or anything.

"Tango.." Xisuma sighed, putting his hand on top of Tango's to stop his fingers from drumming against the counter. "It's fine to be scared sometimes."

Xisuma gave Tango a reassuring look, which helped calm Tangos nerves. "Thank you.." he said in a small murmur.

"Of course." Xisuma chuckled.

They stood there for a few seconds, just looking at each other, X's hand on top of Tangos.

The teapot started to whine, however, so Xisuma gave Tango a wink and went to pour their cups.

"I think I can go watch the movie now." Tango said with a bit of confidence. "Just one tiny request."

"What is it?" X asked.

"Sit near me."


A tad short but I like it.

-yours, tired as always

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