Half-dead flowers

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Uh oh, did someone say convex angst?

Yeah, we doin' this.

Trigger warning: perma death. That's all you get :)

Scar stood back, framing the shopping district in between his fingers, trying to picture what he had laid out for the large stretch of land.

He had big plans! But big plans required, well, planning, and Scar had drawn up more blue prints just the last few days than he'd care to admit. But it would all be worth it in the end!

To harvest the fruits of his labor, to burn every piece of mycelium, watch in delight as the hermits enjoyed their new-and-improved shopping district.

But first, blueprints! Maps! Designing!

Scar had placed a temporary ban on new shops during the planning process, and while all the hermits were very understanding, Scar wanted to go through with his plans as soon as possible- as to not halt progress the server too much.

He swooped down in front of the town hall, might as well start slow: a well designed and thought out road system would do wonders, and with all the mapping out he had been doing, he knew the shopping district like the back of his hand.

Scarieee: 811
Scarieee: shippnf dustrckt
Scarieee: 911*
Scarieee: help-

Cubby: omw, what's going on?

No response, the message hadn't even been read.


Cub was quick to take off, only a few hundred blocks from the shopping district he got there in less than two minutes, beginning his search for Scar.

He knew it was presumptuous, but Cub feared the worse. Scar had been pushing himself lately, and while his medicine worked wonders, miracles could only do so much. If Scar was to collapse in the wrong position, have blocks fall on him, even get too close to a cave spider, the resulting wounds would be life threatening.

No matter what the builder tried to say, Cub knew he was very physically weak, and while no one could doubt the mayors enthusiasm, that had to be balanced with caution.

Cub knew he shouldn't have let Scar stay up so late, work so much, he knew he should have gotten worried when Scar stumbled in past midnight, bruises under his eyes. Cub knew he should have forced the other to take a break, but he didn't, and if something were to happen..

Cub shivered slightly as he raced through the shopping district, his fears finding purchase as his eyes found Scar.

The mayor was collapsed in a heap on the steps of the town hall, eyes shuttered closed as the contents of a shulker box spilled out on the stairs around him. A few arrows dotted the space around him, one piercing through his leg, another shot through his back, lodged just where his shoulder blade met his spine.

Far enough in to pierce his lungs.


Cub ran forwards, gently shifting Scar so he was lying on his back, sprawled out over the pharohs lap. His breaths were shallow, heartbeat slow.

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