Thin Ice

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Whoops did I say this was going to be a songfic? Yeah no. I re-wrote this like five times and I'm still not happy with it but whatever.

Tw for mention of death.

Stresskall fluff/angst depending on who you are.

It was cold in Sweden.

It usually was.

Today, however, it was very cold.

It was late December, the Friday before winter break in fact.

Iskall and Stress were walking home. They shared one as Stress was a foreign exchange student.

They had met online years ago and were able to pull some strings so Stress would be able to live with Iskall on her trip to Sweden.

In the few months she had been there they may or may not have fallen madly in love. But that's a story for another day.

Now, as they crossed a rickety wooden bridge, they chatted and laughed. Flirted and blushed.

Then Stress saw it.

"Iskall! Look it's a puppy.." she pointed out onto the thin ice of the river below.

Iskall looked, and wouldn't you know it, there was a dog slipping on the ice.

There were also two kids trying to get the dog off it, looking in worry as the ice broke under its feet.

Iskall tried to stop Stress, but she had ran down to the river bank before he could.

She told the kids to back off, walking forward herself.

She was still on solid ground, her knees bending slightly as she reached out.

The dog yapped in fright as the ice under his feet started to break, skidding backwards.

Stress cursed, getting down on her knees so she could slowly inch onto the ice.

The dog yapped again, taking unsteady steps towards Stress.

It seemed to gain its footing, running into Stress' awaiting arms.

She deposited it onto the river bank, and would have joined it if it weren't for the horrible timing of the wind.

A nasty blast of chilly air knocked Stress over, sending her falling onto the pre cracked ice.

It broke under her weight, plunging her into icy darkness.

It was cold. So cold.

She couldn't move.

Everything hurt.

Time slowed to a halt.

Stress had no idea how long she was under, icy water filling her lungs.

That was it.

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