Tag her? I barely know'er

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1) That-One-Genderfluid And GalacticyTheWolf

2) k

I'm 17
I'm 5'3/4 (aka short boi)
I'm pan
My computer is broken, and just recently (literally today) I got my dads old phone because mine broke (again lmaoo) the point I'm trying to make is I break a lot of shit
I play a lot of video games. Mostly weeb shit, aka jrpgs
I usually play on console because as aforementioned my computer is broken
I used to be able to solve a Rubik's cube in ~10-15 seconds, but I'm a bit out of practice. For anyone who knows what it means, my main event was squan.
Either Cleo, Etho, or Joe is my favorite hermit, though I probably couldn't choose between them.
Film noir is a great genre, one of my favorites, though I hardly ever get to watch it.
Etho is precious and amazing and I love him and if you don't watch him I demand you do. Same with xB and F1recrackr, though she isn't a hermit.
Persona 3 < persona 5 < persona 4 < persona 5 royal. This is not a debate. This is a fact.

Tag 28 ppl? Nah, I'm pretty sure whoever I'd tag has already done this one lmao-

I was gonna tell a gay joke, butt fuck it

Uh spoiler? Sure. Smoking warning? I guess??

10$ to the first person who guesses the ship:

Doc didn't know why, but smoking always made him remember his childhood.

It was quite counterintuitive, but as he blew out a puff of cigarette smoke, he couldn't help but start to hum his childhood theme song.

"No point in thinking about that now," Doc growled, shoving what was left of his cancer stick into his mouth. He took a long drag, wearing the paper down to a stub, savoring it before he dropped it to the ground, grinding his heel into the gravel to extinguish the cigarette.

Doc had a date- against all odds, someone decided to go out with him. He had to choose between a smoke or nerves, and he chose the former. So what if he had a cig or two? He could quit if he wanted to, plus he was half already machine, how much more damage could truly be done?

He fished in his pocket for his smokes and lighter, metallic hand emerging with said items. He fumbled with the pack, slipping out a smoke. He needed to be careful, most shops didn't sell eggs hybrids, much less cigarettes, but today was a special occasion.

He stuck the cig in his mouth, cupping his hand around it as he flicked his lighter. Once, twice, ah, it lit. Doc slid the lighter back into his pocket, eyes wandering around.

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