Flesh and Blood

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A small short based off a head cannon I have.

Basically, the Zombie hermits have to stitch together their skin so it doesn't fall apart.

It's graphic I won't lie, but it's not awful. If you're extremely squeamish, I'd skip.

Cleo was sitting on her bed, needle in her fingers. She had just gotten out of the shower, and her skin was peeling off.

She gently let the needle pierce her flesh, stitching herself together. It didn't hurt. Her decrepit and pale skin had lost all its life, and thus it's sense of feeling.

She let the thread connect the two halves of her arm, not seeming at all phased at the grotesque nature of the job.

She hummed a cheerful campfire song, letting the rhythm guide the flow of her needle. Once she was done she tied off the knot, and put away the sewing kit.

She slid it away into a drawer and inspected her handwork.

There was no way to heal the damage by normal means. Technically speaking she was dead. All she could do was stitch up the wounds and hope she didn't die again.

Very short but yeah. A bit of a head cannon I have.

Sorry I haven't updated much but I'm working on a little something else~

Also can I just mention that it's now bug season and I am getting eaten ALIVE by mosquitoes. God damn.

-yours, dead or dying

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