The imortal

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Just a bit of a concept I came up with

You may not have noticed him, but he was there.

Advising Hammurabi in the creation of his laws.

Laughing with Avicenna as he wrote his cannon of medicine.

Having tea with Churchill as they discussed war strategies.

He was always there.

Sometimes he was Nick, sometimes he was Akeem. But he was always there.

He knew all there was to know about math and science, literature and art. He knew countless languages, dead and alive.

How could he not when he was immortal?

He had been many things, Billy the factory worker, Ferdinand the doctor.

Now he was Joe the poet.

His weapon was his words, of which he knew a lot.

Pen to paper he truly felt alive. Inspired. The same euphoric feeling one might get on a roller coaster he got by writing a string of sentences.

Joe smiled fondly as he sat in the small French style cafe, sipping at his coffee as he wrote something in a small notepad.

It was a poem, of course, his neat cursive decorating the page in well practiced English.

It was simple, sweet, short.

It was a culmination of thousands of years of living.

All the wisdom of a man who had lived too long. All the changes of the world, summed up.

The sun rises.
The sun sets.
That has always been true.
It might not always be true.
But it has been.
Life is so fleeting.
Faster than the sun
As it retreats behind the horizon.
Little jolts of chemicals
Before the tidal wave
Of time
Claims all.

I have been blessed with a long life.
I wonder when,
If ever,
My sun will set.

Aaaaa I know it's short and bad but I had the idea and this came out.

I suck at poetry I know lol

If someone who's good at poetry could please slide into my DMs that would be great

If someone who's good at poetry could please slide into my DMs that would be great

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-yours, why am I writing this I have an English assignment

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