Scaredie cat? Scared of cats?

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A bit of doc being afraid of cats stuff.

Tw for alcohol, otherwise it's pretty light.

"Oh come on- you've got to have some sort of weakness!" Ren giggled, taking a long sip out of the bottle.

"No I don't," Doc countered, swiping the bottle from Ren's hand.

He took a long swig before lifting the bottle out of the others grasp, giving a cocky smirk.

There was only a bit left, meaning if Ren wanted any more he had to steal it back from Doc.

"Hey- gimmie some!" Ren giggled, reaching up to grab the bottle.

Doc kept it just out of reach, and Ren pouted in response. He crawled closer in a vain attempt to grab the bottle.

"Mmm, why should I?" Doc teased, staring down at Ren with a lazy grin.

"Because I said so," Ren whined, reaching his hand up as high as he could to try and snatch back the bottle.

Doc pursed his lips, "tempting offer but I'll have to decline." He held the bottle above Ren's head.

"Aw, come on dude! Please?" Ren made the most adorable puppy eyes, and Doc couldn't help but give in.

"Alright fine," he slowly lowered the bottle down, passing it off to Ren who happily dipped up the last of the bitter alcohol.


The faint but unmistakeable sound of a cat was heard.

Doc turned white as a ghost, his confident exterior dissipating in a flash.

Ren's ears perked up and he spared a glance before turning his attention back to Doc.

He was slightly surprised to see his boyfriend with a scared expression

Then the wheels starting turning.

Doc is a creeper hybrid

Creepers are scared of cats

Oh my god

Doc has a weakness

Ren broke a smile, snickering lightly. "Oh my god, you're scared of cats!"

Doc growled, looking around for the mystery cat. "Shut up, no I'm not."

"Yes you are~" Ren teased, giggling like a madman. "Just admit it! You have a weakness just like everyone else!"

Doc shot Ren a withering glare that did nothing but make Ren realize he was right.

Another meow was heard and Doc visibly flinched, which made Ren let out another giggle.

"Dude you totally are!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Oh come on, I know you can't help it, I don't think less of-" Ren started, but was cut off by a surprisingly high pitched Doc yelp.

The cat had found its way on to the roof Ren and Doc were sitting on, and Doc couldn't help but back away.

Ren doubled over laughing at the sight of a half robot half green monster thing that was about ten feet tall slowly back away from a cat.

Doc would never hear the end of it.

Ren crawled over to the cat and gently scooped it up, trying to bring it closer to Doc.

Doc just backed away slowly until he hit a wall, true terror in his eyes as the defenseless feline looked curiously in his direction.

Ren was having a field day.

"Doc is scared of cats! Doc is scared of cats!" He cheered, cuddling up to the cat in his arms.

"Sh-shut up and get tha-that thing away from me!" Doc snapped, his voice quivering in a very uncharacteristic way.

"Only if you say the magic word~" Ren, amused, inched closer to Doc.

"Fuck you! Get it away from me or I swear to god I will kill it and you!" The creeper hybrid threatened. He was not amused.

"I think we should keep it," Ren joked, scratching under its chin with his forefinger.

"Re-Ren," Doc's voice got weaker with fear, his eyes widening slightly. "I'm serious."

Something about the fear in Doc's voice made Ren realize maybe he should tone it down. He dropped the cat and let it run off

Doc seemed to regain his confidence and sense of pride after that, and his cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

"Please don't tell anyone about that," he murmured.

Ren didn't even have to respond with words. He just kind of rose his brow in a way that said 'you realize I'm going to tell literally everyone, right?'

Doc sighed, knowing it was hopeless.

Ok so this A/N is going to be a bit long.

I've been watching a bunch of Joe hills' streams and stuff and let me just say!

First: It doesn't take a PhD to tell that this guy is stressed. He's a single parent with two jobs. He streams basically every night despite that, and also manages to be funny and give great life advice.

If you don't already, watch his vids and stuff.

Second: this guy wants to burn diamond in a video game because of how a diamond mining company treats its employees irl.


It's enough to make a grown man cry, and that's ok

@joehills dogcatcher and also a Nobel prize

-yours, vote Joe dogcatcher!

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