One Hell Of A Mess

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This isn't really a songfic but 'Untangles' by Khai Dreams fits the theme.

A bit of a short thing I came up with. Doc wants to go on a date but is always too busy.

"Hm? Oh.. mhm.." Doc yessed whoever was on the other end of the phone, typing some things into his computer as he spoke.

He said something in German with a soft, apologetic voice before hanging up.

He swiveled in his chair and called out to someone in the other room. "Hey, Iskall? Can you check my messages?"

A mans voice responded, "a few from John asking about the deal in the UK, should I forward them to Xisuma?"

"Yeah- and can you tell John to send all questions about overseas deals to Xisuma, thanks." He said, going back to clicking his mouse and looking through documents.

"Oh and-" he turned back to talk to Iskall again, "tell Bdubs that I'm sorry but I can't go to dinner next week."

"Ok," Iskall said, typing away.

Doc rubbed his temples, trying to keep up with his monitor. Numbers and words were scrolling by, and he was having a hard time keeping up.

A few minutes later he was typing up an email when he heard a ping from his phone.

His notifications were only on for a select few people, so he was only a little surprised when he saw two texts from a contact entitled 'Ren <3'.

Are we still on for 8?
Or are you going to ditch again.

The messages read.

"Hey, Iskall, can you text Ren and tell him I can't-" he started.

"No, Doc. With all due respect? Go on your date. I'll handle things on this end." Iskall said, having also received the text  message. That one, and the one from last week, and the week before that.

It was a wonder his boss still had a date after the amount of times he had ditched.

"Iskall.. you're a good man. But I can't just-" Doc was a workaholic, and it often got in the way of.. everything.

"Yes, you can. Go on your date, I'll text you if shit hits the fan." Iskall sounded firm.

"I- fine. Give yourself whatever overtime you need, sorry about this," Doc said, making sure to save everything as he turned off his computer.

He stood up, brushing his fingers through his dark brown hair and straightening his suit.

"I'll be going then, and make sure you message me if anything seems off- at all. Ok?" He sounded uncharacteristically nervous, and it made Iskall chuckle.

"Yes- now go spend time with your boyfriend!" Iskall said, "shoo! Shoo!"

"Ok, ok!" Doc said, walking out of the room.

Doc carefully drove to the entrance of a restaurant, checking the clock on the dashboard every other second.

7:55. He had five minutes. He pulled up to the car park beside the building and found a good spot, taking a moment to collect himself and adjust his hair in the rear view mirror before he left his car. He also grabbed the flowers he had bought on the way there.

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