Dog Fighting (1)

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Idk what to put for a description- but tw: Blood, sexual innuendos, mentions of alcohol. This takes place in an underground fight club- type deal.

Song is House Of Wolves by My Chemical Romance.

The air was thick with the smell of cigarette smoke, from the mouths of people who swore they quit; The air stunk the breath of alcoholics, all chanting and screaming. It was a wonder half the galaxy couldn't hear them, yet the place had never been busted by the cops.

In the dead center of the massive, dark compound was cage. It was made of some metal that held firm no matter how many people were slammed against it.

Currently in the ring was Iskall, a Swedish man who didn't look to muscular. He had a mechanical eye and more than three brain cells, however, and so was able to beat his much more muscular opponent.

The crowd went wild as he landed his final hit, fists covered in blood and a cold smile decorating his lips.

"There you have it, folks!" The annoncer yelled over the speaker system, "the Iskall killer!" (Fun fact: Iskall means ice cold in Swedish)

Iskall pumped his arms in the air, yelling something in Swedish that was all but lost to the crowds cheers.

He exited the ring and did a victory lap around the base floor before going over to find his friend.

"Hey Ren," Iskall said, the adrenaline high from his fight propelling him to mars.

"Hey Iskall," Ren responded. He was bigger than average, with two wolf ears that matched his maroon hair and a big bushy tail of the same color. His nails were overgrown and looked like they could claw you to pieces.

"One more warmup and then the main event." The Swede smiled at his friend, patting his shoulder. "You'll do great. You know Jevin, his main ability is he can turn into-"

"A slime, I know, I know. He can only do it a few times so bide your time and strike when he's tired." Ren responded.

Ren and Iskall has been partners in crime for longer than they would admit. They joined an underground boxing club to get out of a debt, but it was stable, semi-safe money, so they stuck around.

A month goes by and they've risen to the top, and gained a bit of a reputation.

Ren and Iskall kept themselves occupied in idle chatter as the next fight progressed.

They were hardly paying attention, it was Tango, the blood eyed demon vs. Grian, the fallen angel. The winner was obvious.

Nothing against Grian, but he was more of a drug runner and stealth guy. Tango was more for brute strength and muscle guy, so as the fight progressed it became painstakingly clear who the winner would be.

"..THE RED EYED DEMON WINS!" The announcers voice rumbled through the room.

"Next up, the main event, it's the Werewolf, vs. The slime! Stay tuned, folks!" The announcer said, way to cheery sounding for what was actually going on.

"I'm up," Ren said, waving off Iskall as he got ready to enter the ring.

He got ready to step inside, jumping from foot to foot. He wasn't scared of Jevin, he hadn't even bothered to warm up.

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