The People (3)

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Tw: Heavy sexual connotations. I'm sorry, lol, but these characters are so ooc I could slap some random names on them and it wouldn't make a difference.

Uh, yeah, some questions answered here, mostly some filler tho. Next chapter (this is gonna be a four parter) will probably be the last one, and I've already decided on an ending sooo get ready?

Bdubs' was burning.

Burning from the inside out.

He screamed, Scar's deceptively warm touch on his skin, soft fingers running through his hair, gentle touches clawing at every piece of meat they could get their hands on.

Even as he tried to fight it, he found himself victim to Scar's glow, those beautiful green eyes holding him in place.

He opened his mouth- finally- finally he could let out a scream- he could save himself from-

But he found himself unable to let out more than a slight moan, lips tangling with Scar's.

He felt sick.

Somehow, he was allowed to squeeze his own eyes shut, gasping as Scar's lips pulled away from his own.

"I'm sorry, Little Bee, but I just can't help it.. you're just so delicious." Scar layered another kiss onto Bdubs' lips, and against his better judgement, he kissed back.

He could almost feel himself start to enjoy it.

"You look like you want to say something.." Scar tilted his head back, eyes losing a bit of their luster as Bdubs found himself in control of his voice once again.

"W— What- what.. what di.. did y- you do to.. to me.." Bdubs stammered and stuttered, voice coming out as a gasping sob.

He sounded terrified.

He was terrified.

"Oh, Little Bee.. don't be scared.. here, close your eyes."

Bdubs followed through, waiting for his next instructions.

Scar leaned in, layering featherlight kisses onto Bdubs' cheeks.

"I promise, Little Bee, as long as I'm around, you will be safe."

Bdubs' breath hitched in his throat, heart rate slowly picking up.

More kisses were feathered onto him, this time on his forehead and nose.

"Cross my heart, till the day I die, I will never harm you."

Bdubs' tried to fight it.

He really did.

But even with his eyes closed, all he could picture was Scar's own eyes.. those delicious orbs or emerald, gazing into his soul.

He was left breathless by the mayor's beauty.

"You are mine, dear Bdubs, mine until my dying breath."

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