Shut up and kiss me

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Soft and fluffy Scarian flufitty fluff!

No warnings, pretty soft~

Song is 'I think we're alone now' by Billie Joe Armstrong.

"Do I have to..?" Scar asked sheepishly, "Bdubs is gonna be so mad!" He held a piece of red concrete powder in his hands, looking at Mumbos head.

"You lost the bet~" Grian cooed, "do it." He wore a devilish smirk, eyes glimmering with mischief.

Scar said nothing, sighing as he placed the red concrete powder. "Mumbo for mayor.." he murmured as Grian cheered.

"Yes! Mumbo for mayor!" Grian gloated, a giggle escaping his lips. He was going to rub it in more when he saw how sad Scar was.

"Aw, I'm sorry Scarie, come over to my place at six, I'll make it up to you." Grian smiled genuinely. He was a prankster and a fool, but he was a kind one.

"Ok," Scar said sullenly, waking off.

"The lion king or Cinderella?" Grian asked, snuggled up to Scar on the couch.

"Beauty and the beast," Scar hummed, popping a piece of popcorn into his mouth. "Can you pass me the hot coco?"

"Good choice," Grian hummed as he selected the correct icon, making sure it was playing before passing Scar a mug.

Scar accepted the mug, letting the warmth of the liquid inside heat up his hands. He gingerly brought the cup to his lips, eating up a marshmallow before sipping some coco.

Grian watched as Scar methodically sipped some of his drink, trying not to burn his lips. He giggled softly when Scar failed, catching a glare from Scar.

"Aw, don't be like that, c'mere.." Grian pulled Scar into a hug, watching as the scarred man turned to putty from the softness.

Scar let out a yawn, carefully sipping his coco and humming along to the songs scattered throughout the movie. "Can we watch Coco after this?" Scar asked quietly, happy to be wrapped up in Grian's arms.

"'Course," Grian murmured into Scar's hair, his voice quiet and sleepy.

The duo continued to sip their coco and eat their popcorn, the warmth from the blanket and each other making them sleepy despite the fact that it was only 7. Scar's faint humming soon grew quieter, and soon, he closed his eyes and stopped humming all together.

Grian hardly noticed, attention split between the movie and his own thoughts, his thumb idly tracing circles against Scar's upper arm.

He too started to feel tired, and slowly started to drift off, breaths evening out.

He woke up to the sound of screeching phantoms, eyes wet with tears.


Another nightmare.

He hoped he didn't wake Scar. 

A quick look down confirmed he didn't, and for that he was grateful.

He quickly wiped away his tears, looking at the time. Only 11:30? That gave him some time to mess around.

He fumbled with the remote for a second before turning the show to a movie, when birds of prey came up, he watched it. DC movies were really it or miss for him, but he watched. He made sure the volume was low enough that he wouldn't wake Scar, and turned on subtitles.

After a few minutes of explosions and gunshot noises, the man in Grian's arms started to shift awake.

Grian paid no mind to it, rubbing circles into Scar's arm. "Shh.. go back to sleep Scarie.." he murmured gently into Scar's ear.

"Thi- this isn't Coco.." he murmured, eyelids fluttering open. "Ohmygod- this is not Scar safe!"

"It's.. it's not, you want me to switch it?" Grian asked, gently brushing his fingers through Scar's hair.

Scar nodded slightly, "please," his voice was slight and scared, the blood on the screen a bit too much for him.

Grian picked up the remote and clicked a few things, before the familiar title cards started and Coco began playing.

"Thanks," Scar yawned, closing his eyes and cuddling up into Grian's arms.

"No problem," Grian responded, watching as Scar slowly drifted off again.

After a few minute Scar was back to sleeping, breaths even and peaceful.

Grian sighed contently, warm and happy for the first time in a long time. He was dreary and tired, but that was ok. Very ok.

He gently kissed Scar's forehead, taking care not to wake the sleeping man. "I love you," he whispered.

"Mm.. love you too." Scar whispered back, shifting slowly in Grian's arms.

"You- you're awake?!" Grian flustered, startled.

"Mhm, now shut up and kiss me again."


And sorry for the lack of chapters. Burnout, stress, and lack of motivation have driven me to my whits end.

Send requests, and send help.

-yours, spider.

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